Ch. 4 - Meet and Greet

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I felt my cheeks turn red and my heart begin to race.

"You love me?" I asked her.

She too became red in the face, when she realized what she had said.

"Well uh yeah I mean your an amazing person and your so kind to your fans and you make like the best music..." her words started trailing off at the end.

I felt myself inching closer to her, until our lips were only a couple inches apart.

Her breathing stopped and I couldn't wait any longer. I moved forward so that our lips connected and I felt sparks and jolts of nerves and pleasure bounce through my body.

When I pulled away she was red as a tomato.

"Ari-I I"

"Shhh, it's okay" I told her.

I wanted more, but was afraid that she didn't.

She couldn't keep eye contact with me and was breathing nervously. I reached her hand and I thought she would pull away, but she didn't and let me entangle our fingers.

Y/N's POV:

I have no idea what is going on?! Ariana Grande has just kissed me and my heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest. She reached for my hand and I let her entangled our fingers.

She looked nervous as well and I could tell she wanted more. I don't know what this means, but in no way am I against it.

After a minute or so, I was finally able to get my breathing under control. I looked into her eyes, and then down at her lips, then her eyes again and she nodded ever so slightly.

I leaned forward and kissed her. She quickly grabbed my neck with one hand since her other was still in mine and deepened the kiss.

I felt her tongue glide across my bottom lip, making me shutter. I opened my mouth slightly and she quickly met her tongue with mine and began to heavily make out with it.

My body feels like it on fire and when Ariana let out a small moan, I felt my panties instantly become soaked.

I pull away and looked into her eyes.

"Ari I-what-" I began to speak but she cut me off.

"Just please?, I don't know yet either, but I just-I need you Y/N. I need you right now" She says, still breathing heavily from our make out session.

I can't believe that my idol feels this way about me. I'm so happy and yet terrified at the same time. However, I can't and don't want to ignore this feeling. So, I nod my head and her eyes go wide before she pulls me back in and kisses me passionately.

I feel her hands grab my ass and tighten their grip, pushing me closer to her body. I let out a small moan and she smiles against my lips.

"You know two can play at that game" I tell her and then quickly slide my right arm under her shirt and grope her naked left breast, making her gasp.

I wasn't even phased to find out that she didn't have a bra on. So, I began playing with her breasts.

"H-hey! That's n-not fair!" She protested.

"It's not my fault that you're not wearing a bra" I reply, before moving to kiss her neck.

She began digging her nails into my back more and more as I made my way down her neck and to her chest.

Ariana's POV:

Oh god, Y/N began kissing my breasts above my shirt and I already knew my panties were wet beyond belief. I didn't expect this to happen tonight, but I'm not complaining. I tugged at her shirt and she gladly took it off, while I did my own. I looked at her body and she was wearing a black lace bra. It was cute and made me crave her even more. She looked down at my bare chest and I swear my cheeks could boil water if I were to put a kettle on them.

"You're gorgeous" She said before leaning down and putting my right nipple into her mouth and groping my other one.

I couldn't stop the little moans that were escaping my mouth and my breath hitched when she brought a hand to the waistband of my underwear.

"May I?" She asked.

"P-please" I told her.

She removed my sweats and shoes, than began kissing up my thighs.

"Oh god-Y/N!" I groaned under my breath.

When she got close to my center she slowly reached for my underwear and slipped it down my legs.

I felt embarrassed being in this position alone, so I flipped us over on the couch and ripped her jeans and shoes off and did the same as she had for me.

"A-Ari" She moaned as I pulled her underwear off with my teeth.

Next, I went back to kiss her as I unclipped her bra and threw it across the room. I pulled back to adore her perfect naked body, then adjusted myself so that I was straddling her with one leg under another leaving our pussy's only inches apart. I could feel the heat radiating off of hers and onto mine, and this just turned me on even more.

I looked up at her and she nodded and I quickly slammed our pussys together and we both moaned as our juices and clits rubbed against each other.

Y/N's POV:

"Y-Y/N oh oh god!" Ariana moaned as we grinded against each other.

I felt myself becoming close.

"I'm s-so close-Y/N ah!" She huffed.

I pulled her to me and we kissed as we both were brought to our orgasm.

When our highs died off, Ariana feel onto my chest out of breath.

"Jesus, that...that was amazing" she said in between breaths.

"When you said you wanted to hangout this wasn't what I had in mind" I told her laughing.

She lifted her head and looked at me.

"But do you regret it?" She asked.

"Oh fuck no!" I told her then kissed her lips softly.

"Good, cause I uh kinda was wondering if you would want to do it again some time?" She asked me nervously.

I was shocked. I thought this would only be a one time thing.

"Of course!"

She smiled at me then laid her head back down on my chest and we sat there cuddling for what seemed like hours.

The End


Plz let me know what you all think! This took me like 2+ hours to write and I am gonna be starting on another book! I may need ideas for Imagines! I don't want to use all of mine on this, since my other book will be a Ariana x Reader!

Also if you haven't checked out my other book "Life is Unordinary" plz do!! It's being turned into a Ariana based story, that has a magical twist added to it.

Thanks for 200+ Reads <3
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