Back of the Ballroom

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Keefe kissed Dex on the forehead.

"What are you doing?" Dex screeched. "We're not inside yet..."

Keefe snickered, moving to leave a trail of kisses from Dex's forehead to his cheek.

The Technopath's face turned a deeper shade. "Someone might see us!"

"Isn't that the whole idea of the mission? And the more you squirm the more it's gonna look like we're faking it."

Dex scrunched up his face. Why, why, WHY did he have to get paired up with Keefe Sencen for the weirdest mission.
The boy who made his heart all fluttery and dumb. This was abuse by Forkle.

"Besides, the others are already inside. All we gotta do is act like a couple, so I kiss your face a few times, you don't squirm when I do so - unless you wanna look like the worlds most flustered boy - and we catch The Dude."

He made it sound so easy! Yeah, they had to pretend to be a couple. Like everybody else. Dance, give some forehead kisses, hug. Normal stuff, really. Sophie and Biana did it and they weren't romantically involved as far as Dex knew. It's just that he'd been dreaming about holding and hugging and kissing Keefe for years! And here he was having to act like his love for the other was fake.

"Oh don't be so pessimistic," Keefe said, grabbing Dex's hand. Before said boy could make more of a protest, Keefe threw the crystal door open and walked inside.

Dex's eyes searched the crowd for his friends. Sophie and Fitz were paired. Tam and Biana. Linh and Marella. And, of course, his mother and father who were unneeded supervisors. Even they thought so.

For crying out loud it was a ballroom dance! The only danger was that someone was trying to sabotage it.

"Wanna go get some food first?" Keefe asked. He'd stopped just before they got caught in the dance mess.

Dex looked up at Keefe, confused.

"You feel nervous." The Empath explained. "Figured food might calm you down. It calms Foster down."

Dex tried to smile, but it was hard. "I'm okay. Thank you though."

"Alright, Dexinator." Keefe let go of his hand, dropping in a slight bow, the same hand held out, open. "May I have this dance, my dude?"

Dex rolled his eyes, actually grinning that time. He looked away as he took Keefe's hand.

Once the two were on the dance floor, Dex found himself with clammy hands. He swallowed nervously. This was so awkward.

"Hey, calm down, Dizznee." Keefe whispered, placing a hand on Dex's hip.

Dex nodded, looking down and swaying to the soft music. "Sorry you had to be paired up with me. I'm not so sure how to do this."


Dex shrugged and swallowed again. "I know you probably wanted to be with Sophie or Linh."

"Why would I want to be with them?"

"Don't you like Sophie? Plus, they're girls. Cute girls."

"And you're a boy. A cute boy." Keefe smirked. "Honestly Dex, you thought I had a crush on Foster?"

Dex turned pink. "Well yeah. And I'm not cute... I'm manly."

Keefe laughed, quietly as to not disturb the others. "You know I'm a flirt, dork. And yes," he lifted one hand off of Dex's side to squeeze his cheek, "oh, so manly. The arms wrapped around my neck add to you manliness."

Dex's face was persistent on being on fire.

Keefe's shoulders moved as he tried to keep the laugh in. His eyes squeezed shut and Dex resisted the urge to peck his cheek.

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