I Will Kung Fu Kick You Out Of This Bed

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The next time Dex agreed to stay the night at a Black Swan hideout, he was definitely making sure that everyone would get their own bed.


The Black Swan hideout where the group of eight chose to stay only had five beds ready and made when they'd arrived, and the gnomes had been able to create two more before it was decided that they couldn't waste their time on such little things.  After all, they had a massive day ahead of them tomorrow, what with fighting the Neverseen and all.

But Dex had not been expecting it when Keefe slung an arm over his shoulder and volunteered them to share the bed.

And he'd been even more surprised when they'd walked into the room here they'd be sleeping, to find a small, twin sized bed waiting for them in the center of the cold, wooded, dark room.

Keefe bit his lip, staring at the mattress covered in only one blanket in front of them.  "Oops.  Sorry, Dex.  I thought it'd be a bit..."

"Bigger?"  Dex suggested.


The two stood in silence for a few moments before Dex excused himself to brush his teeth and take a shower in the bathroom that was right down the hall.

Sometime later he was changed into the provided pajamas.  He stepped out of the bathroom, setting the towel he'd been using on his hair down on the counter. He turned his head to the direction of the room, spotting a sleeping Keefe sideways on the bed.

The younger boy walked over to the older one, eyeing him. He wondered just how he was supposed to move Keefe's sleeping body so that it was horizontal. Eventually, Dex came down to two options: he could either wake him up, or pick Keefe up and move him that way.

Now, Dex would have gone for the latter considering how peaceful Keefe looked, but honestly, there was no way he was strong enough to move the boy.

So, with a bit of gentleness, he began to try to shake Keefe awake.  He started with moving his shoulder back and forth at a slow pace, however when that failed to rise him, he began to shake harder.

Keefe let out a sound that sounded along the lines of, "hmmmnph" as he began turning to roll over.

Dex growled.  "Keefe, wake up.  You're taking up the whole bed.  Up, boy!"

One of Keefe's eyes peaked open.  "Whaaaat?"  He groaned.

"You need to move!"

Keefe's eyes opened gradually.  The empath began to look around the room before his look landed on Dex.  The realization seemed to finally have made it's way to his brain.  "Oh, yeah.  Sorry."

Dex watched as Keefe pulled himself so that his head was finally on one of the two pillows they'd thankfully been provided with.  Next he moved to the edge of the bed to make room for Dex.

The younger male had to take in a deep breath before he could force himself into the covers.  He turned himself so that the two boys were back to back.

"Hey, Dex,"  Keefe began just as the technopath had begun to drift off.

"What?"  Dex mumbled.

"If you steal the covers, I'm putting my freezing feet on your shins."


Only about two hours later Dex woke up to something uncomfortable poking him in the ribs.  Opening an eye, he peered out to see what was causing the irritation.

He was met with the sight of Keefe.  Mainly his arm and elbow, which were sprawled over Dex's chest.  His head was turned a bit to the side so that Dex couldn't see his facial expression, and the boy was about to deem him still asleep when Keefe suddenly yawned.

"Dude, you're stabbing me,"  Dex whispered, eyes still heavy with sleep.

Keefe ignored him, moving his face a bit more into the pillow it was rested on.






And nothing.

The other had stopped moving entirely as if he was still trying to convince Dex that he was asleep.

Dex made a noise that was like a combination of a growl, groan, and snort as he moved his head towards the back of Keefe's.  "Keefe Sencen, I know you're awake."

Keefe gave a loud fake snore in response.  Well, at least it was better than complete silence.

"You jerk, if you don't move your dumb elbow I swear I will kung fu kick you out of this bed and you will be spending the night on the floor."

"Ugh," Keefe said quietly.  "But you're comfy."

"You're nowhere near endearing when you're half asleep."

Keefe seemed to giggle silently.  "Why would you assume that?  Did Foster say I was endearing?"

"No she said you're a pain in the butt."

Keefe's elbow jabbed into Dex's chest harder.

Dex gritted his teeth.  Fine.  If that's how Keefe wanted to play then so be it.

Quickly, he rolled over, only he didn't stay in once place.  He moved so that he was halfway on Keefe.

Keefe let out a cough at the sudden weight.

"You're my new pillow."  Dex mumbled, burring his face in the crook of Keefe's arm, which thankfully was no longer on him.  He prayed that Keefe was too tired to feel his newfound embarrassment.

"Not funny."

"Neither are you."

"Fine.  Just shut up and go to bed."

"You first."

"No, you first."





"Dex, shut up."


The boys awoke the next morning to find a half laughing, half confused audience in their room.


Sorry this was shit.

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