Panic Attack

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The room was spinning.

His heart was pounding.

His hands and arms and legs were shaking.

Things were ceasing to make any sense.

Dex clawed his hands through his hair, pulling out a few strands with the harsh motion as he made his way through the confusing halls of Foxfire.

It'd started in his alchemy session when he'd gotten a brief flashback of the kidnapping from when he was eleven - but that's all it was: a flashback.  However it left an impression, a horrible feeling, all the way through lunch.  And by the time his universe session hit, he had to leave.

Thankfully, his universe teacher was more than willing to send him to Elwin's office.

Sadly, he'd failed to take in the account of the fact that when an anxiety attack hits, it's hard to read your directions if your feet don't know exactly where they're going.

Dex hiccuped a sob as he threw his hand over his mouth and looked down, hoping there'd be no one in the halls to see him as his body shook with each step he took.

It was just a dumb flashback.  Why was it affecting him so much?

Sure, he got them often after he'd been saved by Mr. Forkle and Sophie, and they'd faded more and more over time.  So why was this one so vivid?

Dex bit his lip as he looked up and realized he must have taken a wrong turn somewhere.  Instead of being in the green hall, where he'd started, the walls and floor were white.

Turning around, he began his way through more halls.

And more halls.

And more halls.

But despite whatever he did, he just couldn't remember the way to Elwin's office.  Let alone the way out of the white halls.

Of course his dumb feet had to forget where they were going at a time like this.

Dex moved both his hands over his face as he broke down.  He had no idea where he was going and it felt like his emotions were eating at his heart.  And it hurt.  It hurt so badly.  All he wanted to do was curl up in a tight ball and sleep until the world was at peace again and he didn't have to worry about what he'd do if the Neverseen decided to take one of his siblings or if they killed one of his friends or if they kidnapped him again.

Dex was brought out his thoughts when he felt a hand gently rubbing patterns into his back.

He was all too tired to find out who was behind him.  Shaking his head, he pulled away from the touch.

However, the hand began soothing him again, as did a gentle voice.  "Hey, it's gonna be okay.  Why don't I take you to Elwin?"

Yes.  Elwin was where he needed to go.

Deciding that it couldn't hurt, Dex gently moved his fingers covering his eyes so he could get a good look at the person trying to calm him down.

It took a moment for him to recognize the boy, but it was Keefe.

"Hey," the empath said quietly.  "Did you get lost?"

Dex hiccuped a soft sob into his hands as he nodded.

"Okay, come here."  Keefe spoke quietly as he began to walk him down the halls.

Dex felt like burden.  He shouldn't be having to drag Keefe into his mess.

"I'll be fine."  Dex said in a high, squeaky, whiny voice as they walked.

"I know, but I've certainly got nowhere else to be right now - well except my universe session, but let me tell you.  Lady Sereen just can't keep her eyes off of me!  I mean, I know I'm good looking, but it's still super weird."

Keefex/Deefe/Kex DrabblesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora