He looked hot she thought! She did not know why she felt so excited to see him but she did

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 He looked hot she thought! She did not know why she felt so excited to see him but she did. She smiled at him and walked closer to him. He reached her before she could and then had a boyish grin " Hope you like your surprise" He said breaking into a laugh. She just hoped he did not see her cheeks changing color. ' SO this is what you meant" she said laughing. " It's nice to see you, Shana, are you ok?" he asked looking concerned. She smiled at him again. He was always caring she thought. " Yes, to be honest. Coming home was the best thing I did. I feel so much better now".  mum walked in with three pieces of cake. They chatted while eating. Jin spoke about his work and wanting to visit his family as well. He was very close to his mum. And seeing Shana's mum made him want to go see his soon as possible. At seven-thirty Shana looked at mum and said " Are you getting ready for dinner?" mum looked at Jin and then at Shana. " Why don't you two go out for dinner. I am feeling a bit tired." Jin bit his lower lip trying to hide his smile but Shana saw it and glanced at mum '' mum he can join us but you can come!" Shana insisted. " No no! You two carry on. I am still full after lunch." Shana tried a few more times to persuade mum, but mum had made up her mind and Jin did not seem to say anything except smile at mum. They arrived at the restaurant and Shana walked into check on the booking she had made. The manager showed them to their table. Jin pulled the chair for her to sit and then sat across her. Both sat silently feeling a bit uncomfortable. Jin spoke first. " Would you like something to drink?" Her throat was dry so she said: " Some wine would be good". Jin signaled to the waiter and ordered looking at the wine menu. Shana was feeling nervous and started playing with the chain on her purse. He looked out of the french window for a few minutes and then looked at her. " When do you plan on coming back?". " I was hoping to return after my birthday" She replied. " By the way did you drive here?" she asked him. " no, I took a flight and got a place near the airport till tomorrow afternoon." She then wondered how did he know her address, She tried to think if she ever gave it to him. She wanted to ask him without being rude. " Jin, I am happy your here but don't get me wrong.  How did you know where I lived?"  He was quiet for a few seconds and then cleared his throat " I asked Geo" He said almost trying to whisper. She was surprised. She did not know what to think. She frowned maybe a bit too much" I am sorry for bringing his name up" he said feeling bad. " No no that's fine, I was just curious that's why I asked". The waiter came with their wine and took the rest of their order and left.  They spoke casually. Shana was enjoying Jin's fun personality. It was nice hanging out with him. They kept the conversation light and funny. Certain parts where Geo had to be mentioned he tried to avoid it but she assured him she is ok about it. They ate their dinner and Jin adamantly wanted to pay. The night was still young and stars were in a plethora. They decided to drive to town and get some ice cream. While passing the lake she mentioned to him how much she loved the lake and he asked if he could take a look at it. She did not mind as the lake looked beautiful at night.

 She did not mind as the lake looked beautiful at night

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 When they walked to the lake there were few people. A couple having a romantic picnic, another couple walking holding hands. A family having a barbeque and a few others. They walked for a bit in silence. Both appreciating the beautiful scenery. She took off her shoes and asked him to take his off too. " It's no point coming to the lake if you are not going to wet your feet at least." she said with a grin and started walking faster. He caught up in no time laughing. They playfully played in the water. Wetting their feet. He sprinkling water on her and she did the same to him. After a while, Jin found a big rock and sat on it. He watched her play in the water and then looked at how pretty she was in the moonlight. He swallowed hard and felt his lips were getting dry. Feeling nervous just watching her. He laughed at himself. She noticed he was sitting and decided to join him. " Are you tired?" she asked. He shook his head quietly. She looked at him and wondered why he was quite suddenly. He stood up and faced her. She looked up at him and stood up just because he stood up. " I forgot to wish you earlier." He said smiling " Happy Birthday Shana." He said in a soft tone. She looked into his eyes and smiled. " I am happy you came Jin, Thank you." They decided to drive back home. Without realizing the time an hour had passed. They drove quietly. The car radio played some songs and Shana hummed to the songs she knew. She kept glancing at him and for some reason, she felt he was nervous. She tried to think about why he would feel like this but they reached home soon. He got off and ordered a cab online. He walked her to the door and she said she will wait till the cab comes to pick him up. ' Your welcome to come home for breakfast" she said leaning on the wall. He smiled and nodded " I would like that" He walked closer to her and stood right in front of her " You will be coming home soon right?" he asked looking at his shoes " why Jin? do you miss me that much?" She said jokingly. " Yes, Shana I did!" she thought he was joking back but when she looked at him he seemed serious. She blinked looking at him. He was looking straight at her. His face showing he meant it. " I wanted to see you badly that I took your birthday as an excuse to come here." she looked at him confused. Expecting any moment for him to start laughing. she opened her mouth to ask him what was he on about but the cab arrived. She heard him saying "Damn it " under his breath. He shouted at the driver to give him a few more minutes." I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable" he said looking at her again. " You did not Jin, I was just not expecting that." She said clutching her purse. He ran his fingers through his hair and leaned forward to give her a kiss on the forehead. Shana without realizing it lifted her head to look at him found his lips close to hers and his eyes looking deep into hers. She was almost about to move back when he put his arms around her waist and stopped her. Her heart started beating so fast she was sure he was able to hear it. " Would you be upset if I kissed you?" he asked. Her eyes could not get any wider when she heard him... She could not believe he was soo direct. She wanted to tell him he was Geo's best friend but she found herself wanting to kiss him back. She was trembling and confused. He smiled gently and she closed her eyes to meet his lips and waited for his to meet hers but he kissed her on the forehead and hugged her tight. Before she could understand what had happened she saw him walking towards the cab and then getting into it. He shouted " See you tomorrow Shana" 

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