Epilogue Part 3~Enjoy(;~

Comenzar desde el principio

"Please, Naruto! Just make me yours already!" I whined. That stopped him. Naruto came back to face level with me. I felt his member at my entrance and moaned when he thrust inside. "Yes!" I threw my head back and cried out as he began moving his hips at a fast and steady rate. "Ohhh kami!"

Naruto let my hands go and intertwined our fingers as he ploughed into me. My eyes wouldn't stay open as each thrust sent wave after wave after wave of pleasure racketing through my body. My orgasm washed over me, and I could feel Naruto stiffen above me as he came with me. We haven't been intimate in awhile because of the kids. And I know that by the end of the week, I won't be able to walk straight.

When Naruto came down from his high, he opened his eyes to reveal a set of red hughs.

"K-Kurama..." I breathed. Kurama started moving again, rougher than Naruto and faster.

Yep... Definitely not going to be able to walk after this.


Its safe now!!!

By the end of the week I was sore and exhausted and completely content. Naruto and Kurama had taken me every way possible. I'd be surprised if I wasn't pregnant again.

Which did I did find out I was about two weeks after. And yes, it was just one this time. Menma who is now three, is an adorable little boy with exotic red hair a bright blue eyes. We've raised a wonderful family, and I'm proud to say that the twins are in the academy, under Iruka-sensei, and are going to be put on Kakashi-nii's team.

Now I bet your wondering where he's been. Well he actually met a girl, Miki, and settled down, beginning a family of his own. She's a nice lady and I was actually surprised to hear that they were seeing each other in secret for many years. He now has two sons, Sakumo, and Obito, named after his father and former best friend.

He's really happy and, no, he hasn't stopped reading dads books. He is actually dads proof reader, and gets to read the original manuscripts which makes him really happy.

Oh, Sasuke has become Captain of the Anbu, Danzo is dead, Sai actually opened up and all our friends are married now. Its amazing how much love is in the air, especially with the pairs you wouldn't believe.






And Sasuke settled down with a nice girl from the waterfall village, named Kimi. Nice girl and he's genuinely happy for once. They have a daughter Menma's age, and they absolutely adore each other.

Naruto and I, well, our love is still going strong and we are together every day. Well.. when I'm not teaching academy students. Yeah I became an academy teacher and its very full filling.

I love it and I get to mess with my kids. ^-^

Life is going good. And it seems it will stay that way for quite awhile. I'm looking forward to the future, but I'm making sure to live in the now, with my friends and family. Mom and dad are getting married so I had better get going. I can't wait to see everyone together again. Its been awhile since we've all gathered together in one place. I'm looking forward to it!

Anyway I better go! Naruto's becoming impatient!

"Shiori, come on!"


Ayame: Its finally over. Though I'm sad to see it ending, I wanted to announce that I will be starting a new Naruto love story!!! And I might even post the first chappy tonight!

^-^ I just want to let you know, my lovelies that I love you all and thank you for all your support through this book! And if you want to read the new book then keep checking in! I have no clue what I'll name it yet.. but I will start on it tonight!

I really hope you all enjoyed reading this, I know I enjoyed writing it! And all you fan girls! Do not be afraid to squeal over Naruto's adorableness! I know do while I write all the time! So I guess this is good bye for now.

Ja ne my lovelies~

~Ayame~ <3

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