Chapter Twenty-Five: A Missing Cup, an Obliviated Elf and a Howler

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Warnings: past suicide attempt (Myrtle)

Disclaimer: I do not own "Harry Potter", "Fantastic Beasts" and "Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler", only my original characters.

The meeting with Miss Queenie had been a different but not unpleasant experience; contrary to most Legilimens, Azure had a feeling that the older witch's Legilimency had never been used to harm another.

According to Professor Merrythought, most Legilimens developed a taste for the Dark Arts. Morgana le Fay had been one as well, despite also being recorded as a powerful Healer; her capacity of balancing Light and Dark magic was something that many wizards and witches had tried without success.

To be completely exposed before someone and have his or her mind fashioned to that someone's wishes... gave her the shivers.

On the bright side, she knew Legilimens who would not be tempted by the darker side of magic: Professor Dumbledore and Professor Tranquilflow. Eye contact was fundamental for Legilimency; to the skilled ones, just a single look was enough to read anyone's intentions.

Her father Liam was also a Legilimens. One of the best Aurors of his generation, he was also a very capable Occlumens like his wife Eurelie. She had been born with telepathy, which was slightly different from being a Legilimens.

Though both were talented in the mind arts, their daughter was not. Azure's mental shields were described by the Ashlane patriarch as "tremendously feeble".

Senior Auror Liam Ashlane was nothing if blunt; he did not beat around the bush.

And yet, she was natural-born immune to the Imperius, which was rarer than building resistance to it in less than a decade. She knew it because two different people had failed to cast it on her. The first time had happened when she was a child shy of nine and the second time had occurred four years later in the school's library.

But the one that had left its strongest mark was the first.

"Güten tag, Fraulëin..." the polite voice of the Dark Wizard named Gellert Grindelwald instantly crept back to her mind as she also recalled that evening when one of her parents' co-workers had pretty much abducted her from the Manor after asking her to find a Dark Wizard – not disclosing who – using Aura Sight.

She still remembered the silvery blond middle-aged man's Aura, the dark power oozing from his strange wand, the green light hitting the Auror shortly after the former's disastrous attempt to stun the wanted wizard, her body trembling as she put up a mental barrier – unconsciously – the second those unfathomable blue eyes fell on her...

That was the first time she had came across a Dark Aura. Auras were coloured pure white, but occasionally thin rings of a different colour around it appeared, depending on the kind of spell that had been used: memory-altering charms were dark grey (pale green if it was an Obliviate) while curses were identified by an indigo coloured ring. If someone had consumed Amortentia, the result was a pale pink haze. Confunduswas of a faint yellow – Johnson had this – and so on.

The Dark Aura was a different story; an Aura whose colour was dark or just black, it was something that Aura Seers avoided at any cost because it could harm their magical core. These particular Auras were found in human beings that had murdered before or at least intended to. To Young Aura Seers like her, this meant feeling as if they were choking in a pool of negative feelings.

And, years later, she had met Riddle, quickly realizing that she could not stand being in the same space as Hogwarts's most promising student, which had lead to mutual hostility.

The Tale of Azure - Book I: Shades of Green and BlueOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora