Chapter Twenty-Two: A Most Curious Cup and a Mysterious Chamber

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A/N: More foreshadowing in this chapter, chocolate, and finally, we get to see Myrtle's Patronus. I hope you enjoy it!

Warnings: student-teacher relationship. Hildagarde, the first daughter of Helga Hufflepuff, was attracted to a man who was twice her age. Azure thinks this attraction was just a plan of Salazar Slytherin because he was a very good manipulator.

Disclaimer: I do not own "Harry Potter", or "Black Butler", only my original characters.

Today's weather was cold, but not wholly unpleasant for people to be outside. Sitting in the Astronomy Tower's floor with Azure, Myrtle was looking at the object in her lap: a golden cup with two handles on each side, as well an engraved badger that identified it as something belonging to Hufflepuff.

"Is this..." Myrtle started to say, blinking owlishly at an object that she had read about in Madam Bagshot's book on the very short chapter dedicated to the Relics of Hogwarts. "Azure, where did you find it?"

"Helga Hufflepuff had two children: Hildagarde, who married into the Ashlane family, and Hector, who adopted his wife's last name: Smith," her friend explained. "Well, there is this rich witch named Hepzibah Smith claiming she is from that Smith family. But since Smith is a very common name, the Goblins at Gringotts made tests and they discovered that this claim was false. Otherwise, Hepzibah would be able to access the Ashlane's if that hag hasn't enough money for a lifetime," she snorted, which Myrtle supposed it had to do with the huge collection the old witch had boasted in the Daily Prophet more than once.

"Putting things that way, wouldn't your family be treated as something like nobility?"

The taller girl scratched her temple. "One of the things I don't like about being a rich heiress is the fact I am supposed to inherit a fortune that extends at least a dozen of vaults. Not to count with the inheritance I am also eligible to receive from my mother's family."

AT LEAST A DOZEN? Myrtle repeated in her head, raising both eyebrows. "That rich, huh?"

"Sorry," Azure said apologetically. "It comes with belonging to an old family and old blood to boot and a motto that is not valued among the traditionalist or radical Pure-bloods."

Myrtle smiled. The Ashlane motto was a strange one, considering that this family was all-magical but respected in both worlds.

"To further prove our worth as legacies, my parents decided that my middle name would be Hildagarde, which is a homage to Helga Hufflepuff's first daughter," Azure added with clear pride in her voice. "When I was about seven years, I went to the library to read something and I found a secret passage that led to..."

"A basement!" Myrtle guessed, incapable of containing the enthusiasm out of her voice.

"A secret library, Myrtle! Full of books and scrolls, as well vials, sealed jars...all catalogued according to the place and date of acquisition! Some even dated to the 12th century!"

"And you found this!" Myrtle exclaimed, proudly presenting the cup to an invisible audience.

"A replica of the Ashlanes' most prized heirloom," Azure clarified, pointing to the golden cup. "I have another back at home, which is now lilac andorange."

"How very artistic of you," Myrtle remarked with a knowing smile.

Azure loved changing objects' colours. She had supposedly turned the Great Hall's tables all colours in her second year. But what Myrtle could not get out of her mind was Fortescue's uniform and hair becoming an electric pink, and the Slytherin herself completely unaware of it until a Prefect docked points because of "improper clothing".

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