The Tale of Azure - Book I: "Shades of Green and Blue" Prologue

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or the other characters from various series you may recognize. However, I do own my Original Characters.


The 13th June of 1937 began like any other day, at least for the many officers of the British Ministry of Magic. Inside of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, a notification of a sudden burst of accidental magic arrived. As per protocol, two members of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad were dispatched to the child's address. Their mission was simple: to Obliviate the Muggle-born and her family of what had happened. The child was far too young to understand magic. Like all of the magical children across Britain, she would be properly informed at age eleven.

Meanwhile, in Cambridgeshire, a girl sat cross-legged in her bed, curiously looking at a small black ball whose colour turned white, then blue with white stripes and finally red with black dots, reminding her of a ladybug. She grinned as the object took flight like a Quidditch golden Snitch, making some twirls and spins before it calmly hovered over her palm. Excited, she ran down the stairs, stopping when she found the housekeeper who crossed her arms before flapping her long ears. Then, the girl politely asked her to dance. The elf made a small bow before indulging in her charge's request with a fond look.

Inside of Wool's Orphanage in Muggle London, a quiet boy stared at his bedroom's window, his hand constantly tossing in the air the mouth organ he had "won" from a younger girl who had pushed him off the stairs because he could do "things". From the window, he saw other children – but not the girl or her friend - playing outdoors. A cold smirk grew on his face as he remembered a particular day in August when all the orphans had gone to the beach, making it the perfect time and place to execute his revenge against those two. Both had learned their lesson since that day; no one would dare to harm him again...unless they did not value their pathetic lives.

In the orphanage's playroom, a girl and a boy were curling on a corner, their knees pulled up and eyes unfocused and blank. The boy's hands were on his ears as if he was trying to block a sound only he could hear, his bottom lip trembling constantly as he rocked his head back and forth. The girl was holding an old photograph of two children dressed in noble Victorian clothes. A thin red mark was around the girl's wrists, something that herself, her friend and the boy who had brought them to a cave could see. A cold shiver began going down her entire body as the memories of that day slowly filled her mind, making the photograph fall on the floor like an autumn leaf.

Deep within a bookshop not too far from this orphanage, a young woman with blue eyes and brown hair tied in a ponytail was scribbling something on a piece of paper while a woman in her late twenties drank from a golden goblet. Casually leaning against the corner, she was levitating a black-leathered journal with her free hand. A pair of light green eyes flickered with amusement as the journal opened by itself on the last page, which contained a small watermark: "Winstanley's Bookstore & Stationers".

In Scotland, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a female Ghost and a witch were having tea and biscuits inside of the latter's personal office while they watched a glowing circle in front of them. The spectre's usual stern eyes softened when an image filled the circle: a young witch gently holding both hands with a Seer whose glowing silver curls reminisced of shining stars. A grim look appeared on the Ghost's features as the Seer's voice began to sound more mature, the words of a prophecy of one thousand years old leaving her lips unconsciously.

Inside of the British Ministry of Magic's Department of Mysteries, one of the thousand spun-glasses of the shelves of the Hall of Prophecy was glowing. In Its tag, one could read:

E.A.T. through H.H. to H.R.

The Heir of Slytherin (?),

and the Heiress of Slytherin (?)

The Unspeakable stationed there made a mental note of reporting this and continued her rounds.


Thank you for reading; the next chapter will soon be posted.

The Tale of Azure - Book I: Shades of Green and BlueOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant