[Season 2] Ch 6: Jungkook the Rebel.

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•Based on the previous poll, you once again, decide to try and speak to the young male laying beside you.

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Seeing as you had some time to yourself, you wondered how you were going to spend it. Your phone was dead, but didn't have a cord on your person to charge it. Looking around, you didn't spot any immediate activities you were able to occupy your attention with, seeing as how you had a strict order to stay put. You sigh, laying back down in the bed you were in. A thought came to you just as your head touched the pillows.

Hm. I could talk to the kid next to me? Say... Hi? I dunno if he'll talk to me, but It's worth a shot.

Settling the debate silently, you finally decide to strike up a conversation with him. Here's to hoping he obliges! Whether this was a good idea or not, you were not so sure. However, you didn't stop to think about the repercussions. You turn to face him.

You throw on a friendly voice.
"Hey, what are you in here for?" You ask with a smile on your face. At first, he didn't say anything back. Perhaps he didn't hear you, or maybe he was asleep. You sit up in your bed, slowly turning over so your legs dangled off the side, and you reach a hand over towards him, poking his back softly.

You really couldn't stop yourself, could you?

"Hey, are you dead?" But before you could get a response, he whipped an arm up and snatched your wrist between his hand. Which made you jump. You weren't expecting it. At this point, you were blushing hard. You could now see his face fully as he was now sitting upright, staring at you with an aggitated look.

"Can't a guy get some fucking sleep around here?" You were visibly disgusted by his reaction

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"Can't a guy get some fucking sleep around here?"
You were visibly disgusted by his reaction. You never thought that he would have such a negative response to that. But then again, you did just poke the poor man and woke him up from a nap. Oops!

"S-sorry. You weren't responding so I thought you died." You weakly smiled, hoping to get a kind reaction from him. But that was too much to ask for. Because he just let your hand go, rolling his eyes and sat up. He was actually pretty handsome. Unfortunately.
Why is it that every person you've met so far, have all been male and super attractive? He had pink-ish red hair and dark brown eyes. He was young. Very young. He couldn't be much older than you.

"I wish. At least I would get some decent sleep instead of being bothered 24 fucking seven."

You frown at his reply. He sounded irritated. You didn't mean to upset him. You were just trying to joke around. Pretty soon, Jin had come back into the room and interrupted the conversation. "Ah! Jungkook, I see you are awake now." You both simultaneously turn your heads up to look at Jin.

You grumbled internally. You wanted to talk to him more but unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen.

"Yeah, I guess so. How soon can I go back out?" He grinned. Jin looked distressed at the younger man's question. You thought it was odd. You wanted to know why.
"Not until that is out of your system and I can run a few more tests."
Jungkook rolled his eyes and laid back down, growling.
"I feel fine, though! I'm no longer vomiting." You furrow your brows, butting into their chat.

"Are you sick or something?" You ask sincerely. He just shot you a look, then answered in a flat monotone voice:
"I was poisoned by an enemy scout." Then he smiled. It was a cute smile, that reminded you of a fluffy animal. But was it really appropriate to be laughing about a serious matter?

"What?" Was all you could muster. He sighed and folded his arms behind his head. He didn't say anymore.

But Jin spoke up. "I'm sorry, Jungkook. I know you want to go back out on your mission and finish the job, but I'm afraid I cannot allow you to do that. Now–" before he could finish his sentence, an unfamiliar male ran in, with a shocked look.

"Jin! Can you come here to the meeting area? We just got word of some news." Jin pivoted on his heel.
"Really? Now? Can it not wait?" He tilted his head.

The other male shook his head. "Trust me, sir. You're gonna wanna hear this." Jin sighed, puffing out his cheeks.
"Alright. Alright. I know how these meetings usually go." He turns back to face you two and smiled.
"Excuse me, I am wanted somewhere else. You sit tight and chat for a bit. I should be back in an hour or so. Please play nicely." He waved and left the infirmary once more, but alongside the other man that was in here. Seconds after he left, Jungkook faced you and asked you something that was completely out of left field and that boggled your mind.

"Wanna bail out of here and come with me on a mission?" He smirked. That didn't sound good. Is he trying to get us into trouble?

What is your answer?


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**Please take note: (This story was originally a poll story. It is being converted into a full fan fiction, per my viewer's request. It is not a new story, nor a new concept.)

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