"Yeah, that is a good idea, thank you Alexander" Magnus replied, nodding as he began to mix the powder again.

"Anytime love" I said, pressing a kiss to his temple.

Magnus and I continued to cook. Just the two of us, being happy fiances and pretending that he wasn't going to leave soon for a highly dangerous mission. It was amazing.

I didn't admire the mundane life. They were lazy and couldn't see the dangers that were after them. They spent their time bickering over silly things and chasing after publicity from people that they don't even know, nor will never meet in actual life. But being almost mundane with my fiance was nice. We got to be happy without thinking of the constant threat that hung over our heads.

"Hey baby" I said, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Hey handsome" Magnus replied, turning around in the cage of my arms.

I pressed my lips to his, sighing into the gentle kiss. I reached my hands down, placing them under my fiance's thighs and lifting him up to sit on the counter.

Magnus laughed and pulled me into a more passionate kiss, pressing his lips harder onto my own. He tugged at the shirt I was wearing and I separated our lips for a split-second to take the nuisance of a shirt off, before reconnecting them again.

One of Magnus' hands carded through the locks of my hair, and the other traced the hard lines of my abdominal muscles. He moaned into my mouth as my tongue caressed his.

The timer for the food went off and I cursed. "It's okay, we will finish this later" Magnus replied.

"Damn it, and it was just getting good" I said, shaking my head.

"Well maybe, we should ditch breakfast and go right to dessert" Magnus said, stripping out of his shirt.

"I like that idea" I replied. Magnus jumped into my arms, wrapping his legs around my waist and slamming his lips into mine.


"You look beautiful" i said, staring at my boyfriend as he finished his makeup. I walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my face in his neck.

"So beautiful, and perfect. Hot, and so, so damn sexy. Absolutely gorgeous, stunning my love" I said, I placed a kiss on my fiance's neck after every compliment.

"Why thank you, Mr. Bane, you're not too shabby yourself" Magnus replied, smelling at Alec's reflection in the mirror.

I hummed appreciately as I thought about Bane being my last name soon. I continued to kiss his neck.

"What are you going to wear for when your family comes over? They are do to be here soon" Magnus asked.

"I'm going to wear the outfit that you bought me for my birthday" I replied.


"SURPRISE" was yelled in my face as I walked into the loft.

The entire loft was covered in birthday decorations. On Magnus and I's dining table was junk food and alcohol. And a huge cake. The music started up again and Magnus waltzed over to me.

"Hello my love. Happy birthday" Magnus greeted, pressing a kiss to my cheek. And then a more passionate one to my lips.

"Mags, you didn't have to do this. I said you didn't have to do anything for my birthday" I replied, emotion coloring my voice.

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