| the end |

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That summer, it was likely you'd find Lucas and Maya sitting somewhere in a park, laughing over something stupid in shorts and tank tops. Hand in hand they'd stay, all day. You would see them walking down the sidewalk, Maya with a skip to her step as she tried to catch up to Lucas. They were always out doing something.

Whether it was driving down the street with the warm summer breeze in their faces, blaring the music and singing along, or just sitting in a diner, sipping a cold drink. They were always out doing something together. Enjoying each other while there was still a chance.

It wasn't sad or anything, they didn't think about the next. Only the now. The two of them were just living in the moment. Something that they had forgot to do for the last year.

It didn't matter what they were going to do for the day, it didn't matter if they may have spent too much when they drove over a couple cities west. It was just that they were living in the moment and making memories together.

The two had thought that things would get intense fast. They had figured that someone would get nervous with the no title, no plans kind of bling. But they didn't. They just liked the light, fun summer relationship. They felt like they deserved it, especially after such a heavy and draining year. So much drama, so much worry... it was nice to keep things just like they were now. Light and breezy.

They cared about each other deeply, practically worshipped each other at times. There were days when he would watch her blond waves dance in the air and his knees would tremble. Her smile could make his heart stop for a few seconds.

And same went for her, when his arms wrapped tightly around her waist and he twirled her around, she wanted to shower him in kisses and tell him he was her world. She felt so alive when she was with him.

Okay, maybe not as light as they liked to believe it was. But they hadn't made any long term commitments. They just wanted to be young. They wanted to take things as they came.

There had been a night at a hotel that stuck in Maya's brain from time to time. They had been out drinking until late, and she practically dragged Lucas back inside and up the stairs. She was laughing at him and he just whined. It was funny.

When he'd fallen into the bed and she had curled on top of him, Lucas stroked her hair. Almost about to doze off.

"You're beautiful," He murmured softly.

Maya chuckled, "Thank you."

Lucas kissed her cheek drunkenly, and she smiled.

"I love you."

The words shocked her, and she held her breath. This hadn't been the plan, they weren't supposed to get that attached to each other. Maya stopped thinking about love. She didn't know if she could answer him back.

But before she could, he had fallen asleep. He hadn't mentioned it, so she played it safe and never brought it up.

The two had had many ups and downs, pain and bad blood... but it was okay. They needed the hurt to grow, even if it had left a few scars at times. They worked hard for each other. They showed each other that something light and breezy could be achieved because honestly they trusted each other. They both had enough with hurting each other. It was time to live.

This boy was perfect. Every day with him had been a good day. She was always laughing and smiling and being herself around him. It had been the best summer of her life. Even if they never left the state.

But she felt like she had been all over the world, being with Lucas Friar.

She didn't know how things would end, truly and honestly. She didn't know how long they'd have this feeling.

But all she knew was, future or not. She needed this.

Even if it was all for a memory.

The End.

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