•Torn Between Two Lovers•

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•Torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool. Loving both of you is breaking all the rules•

Torn Between Two Lovers; Mary Macgregor.


The light pierced their eyes, and she covered them.

"We had to go out this early??" She asks.

It was six in the morning, and Maya was yearning for her bed again. She was so tired.

"Because!" Zay exclaims. "It makes us more like spies."

"What the fuck, Zay," Maya whines. "You got me out of bed at six in the freaking morning so that we could be more 'sneaky?' It's Saturday! The one day I can sleep all day!"

"Sorry. Now come on! Let's make up our secret plan!"

She stares at him weirdly, and he blushes.

"Sorry. I'm just so excited for this Lucas and Riley shit to be over. You know how many years I've been waiting for this ice and fire relationship?! It's so weird, I ship you guys so hard."

Maya laughs, and shrugs her shoulders. "Whatever we figure out, it's not gonna work. Riley and Lucas are in love."

"But you love Lucas Maya. And..."

"And?" She asks suspiciously.

"Nothing. It's nothing."



"Excuse me?" Maya asks, clearly confused.

"The answer is clearly Josh. Make Lucas jealous."

"Oh my-"

"What now?!" Zay whines.

"Zay! I have a boyfriend! And here I am, with you, on Saturday Morning, talking about being with Lucas. And now being with Josh? This is wrong," Maya says.

"When have you ever cared?"

"I do, okay? I have general feelings for my boyfriend, and I don't want to hurt him."

"But you have more than general feelings for Lucas though. Maya, you love him."

"Don't remind me," She huffs. "You think I'd forget?"

"So... back to my plan..."

"I don't care about your plan, Zay," Maya confesses. "What's the point? Riley and Lucas might as well get married right now, that's how committed they are to each other."

Zay crosses his arms. "Maya-"

"Zay. Please."

And with that, she walks back home to her bed.

And she could feel herself slowly breaking down, just like she always did now.

Lucas Friar was one of the few people who could make her cry.

He broke her heart into a million pieces each and every day.


"Are we still on Saturday?" Riley asks her boyfriend as they walk into her bedroom. They then sit in front of the bay window.

Yep. That's right.

Riley had began to share the bay window with her Lucas instead of Maya.

"Riley, you've been asking me this same question all day. I've told you, we're still on."

"Okay, good."

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