| the aftermath |

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If you kept this in your library for 2 years you're a real one 💘💫 you mean the world to me!


"Mr. Friar, you're free to go," The principle says, waving his free hand to the door. "I hope I won't see you in here again. One more month left, I know you can do it."

"It won't happen again sir," He says with a grin. "I'll leave now."

The man nods his head as Lucas opens the door quickly. He moves his feet fast so he won't miss the end of lunch. Ten minutes to go.

"Hey," A voice calls. "How'd it go?"

Lucas stops short, turning slowly around on the back of his foot. He was shocked to hear her voice so calm and friendly. It hadn't been like that in forever.

"Hey Maya," He replies.

"How did it go?" She repeats, stepping closer to him. "You know, with the Brandon situation?"

"Oh yeah," He grins, "It went well."

She raises an eyebrow. "Huh?"

"He is letting me off the hook with detention for a week," He says, now walking next to her. "He understands that I was defending a fellow student and that next time to not go so far. Or else the consequences will be a lot worse."

"Is he okay?" Maya asks softly.

"The principle?"

"No, Brandon," She answers, rolling her eyes.

"I fucked up his eye pretty bad," He tells her honestly. "But other then that I think he is going to be okay."

"Alright, that's good," Maya says awkwardly. "And how about your hand?"

"It's not too bad."

"Let me see."

"No no Maya, I'm alright."

"Just let me see!" She insists.

He raises his right fist, revealing his split and bruising knuckles. He had hit the boy hard, probably too hard. But he couldn't help it, he was just protecting her.

"Ouch, Huckleberry," Maya squints her eyes. "Let's get you some ice."

She begins to drag him down the hall, examining his hand inside of her own.

"I could have defended myself," She says as they turn left.

"I know," Lucas smiles. "You've got a tough head on your shoulders. I just wasn't going to tolerate that kind of bullshit. You aren't an object. You deserve better then that."

"Which is what?"


He didn't know how to answer that question. He wanted to say himself, but the truth was Maya didn't deserve someone like him. He was just as bad as Brandon. He played with her emotions day and night.

"Don't answer that," She responds, opening up the nurse's room.

The nurse came up to the two and smiles.

"Can you look at his hand?" Maya says sweetly. "I think it just needs ice."

With that Maya hugs the boy and exits the room, with nothing but a small goodbye.

The women looks at his hand. "You okay?"

"Yes, no worries."

"Is that your girlfriend? She could have stayed if she wanted to-"

"No, she's just a friend," Lucas answers. "Does it only need ice?"

"Yes," She replies. "After I clean, disinfect, and wrap it up."


Lucas and Maya didn't talk for the next couple of days, just an occasional hello in the halls. He was wondering if it was worth trying at this point.

Maya was Miss. Independant, and as much as he had been against the idea at first, he was proud of her in a way now. She was happy, speaking to everyone nicely but focusing on herself. Maybe that's how he should have been. Taking it slow and letting them figure themselves out first.

After thinking of this, it didn't hurt as bad at the fact that she had turned him down. He cared about her a lot, which meant he cared about her doing well.

Maya truly was a masterpiece, he wished she knew that. Maybe this time was helping her realize that herself. She didn't need to feel insecure or lonely. She was perfect. She was absolutely perfect just as she was.

So he just prayed she could come to that conclusion, because Maya Hart was the only girl that could make Maya Hart believe that.

It was on Thursday as Lucas stood at his locker with Zay that he told him that.

Zay put his hand on his best friend's shoulder, "That's good for you man."

Lucas smiled, "Yeah, I guess so."

"Boy I feel like I've been through hell and back with you. You and Maya are very indecisive."

Lucas raised an eyebrow.

"Like, you know how hard it is being me?"

"How hard, Zay?" Lucas laughs.

"Imagine waiting for two years as two people you want to see together so badly walk around blindly and can't admit that they wanna make each other happy.... then trying for the entire year to get them together!" Zay gasps for breath.

Lucas shakes his head and laughs sadly.

"And then y'all change your mind last minute, like sheesh!"

"I'm sorry it's affected you so much."

"Thank you for zero consideration to me as your viewer," He says to him. "Have a good day."

Zay stomps off with a bit of a groove to his step, until he's out of site.

Lucas sighs. That was a whole lot of effort and time Maya and himself had put into each other. But he couldn't keep pushing her if she didn't want to be with him. No one can be forced into a relationship, no matter how hard you try.

This had to be Maya's choice, not his.

At that moment a small finger tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around startled.

"Hey you," He says.

"Hey Lucas," She replies. "Can we talk?"


Umm hello my lovelys! Please dont kill me for leaving you for so long 😬😬

Theres a small little book I posted with one chapter explaining why I left and stuff.

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter! I'm sure you aren't completely remembering everything I had to reread the whole thing to write this 😂😂

One or two chapters more guys ❣

I love you all with everything

xoxo coco 🦋🥰💫

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