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The last couple blocks seemed to drag on forever, Lucas spent the majority of it tapping his fingers against the desk or shaking his leg a little too much. He tried paying attention to his math teacher but he simply couldn't, everything he said would go through one ear and directly out of the other. He felt as if his teacher's every word was slurred or in a completely different language.

The very second the final bell rang Lycas was out of his seat, quickly shoving papers in his bag and running out the door.

"Where you going?" Zay calls out.

"Sweet, sweet Maya baby!" Lucas shouts.

Zay snickers, shaking his head as he watches his best friend saunter down the hall.

Lucas rushes down the hall, navigating through the hundreds of students relieved that the day was done.

After a short minute, Lucas came crashing into Maya's locker. She stood there, laughing a little.

"Hold your horses, Huckleberry," Maya says.

Lucas took a deep breath, panting a little. "I made it."

They grinned for a moment, just taking in each other.

Lucas found it hard to breathe, he couldn't believe how she had this affect on him everytime. He could never get over how beautiful she was. Her blue eyes shone at him like an angel as always.

Even when she was mad, those eyes were angel like.

Maya snapped out of it, pushing him forward a bit. "Let's go."


"I know a place," She grins.

Lucas chuckled, following Maya through the halls. They reached the doors in a few minutes, pushing them widely open.

"How far?" Lucas asks her.

"Like five minutes."

They didn't say much as they walked, simply enjoying the May sun on their faces. It was quite warm out, giving them a nicer vibe with each other.

Lucas couldn't help but let his mind wander to what he thought Maya would say to him. Was she going to let him back in?

Were they going to reconnect the fire? Or was she telling him they were only going to be strict friends?

He couldn't tell. Maya could be so unreadable sometimes, which made it very hard to really get what she was thinking.

They turned another corner, entering a clearing. It was a simple field with a big log in the middle. Maya led him to the log, and the two sat down.

"So?" Lucas asks her. "What did you want to say?"

"Oh, yes," She sighs, studying him. "I thought we should catch up."

"Catch up?" Lucas' heart drops to his stomach. "Sure."

"How have you been?"

Through gritted teeth he answers, "I have been good."

"What are you up to?"

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. All I do is think about you and mope around. How about you?

"Keeping my grades up and getting ready for the summer. I've been working for tuition."

"Oh nice," She grins. "That's really good. I'm happy for you."

"Umm... thanks?"

"Where are you going for school after?" She asks nicely.

Lucas was so confused. When had Maya been this interested in such small talk. Was something up, or was this her attempt of fixing things?

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