There's an agreement between yourself calling Shigeo 'Mob'. It makes you uncomfortable naming a person, in your own perspective, with such capability of having a role to the society.
"I-I'm sorry but, I get really frustrated calling the two of you Kageyama," admitting it, the problem worsen by telling that to the two. You retrieved your hand from Ritsu, sweat as the result. "You can call me Mob, (l/n)-San," Shigeo informed you, such sincerity in his voice. Him informing you about his nickname made you anxious. "Kageyama," you pointed at Shigeo, innocently rubbing the cat's fur. He flinched, scared by your call, standing up to show respect, knowing that you're going to say something.

"I didn't told you this before but. . . can I call you by your first name?" You honestly admitted, walking few steps to him. "M-My first name?" He stuttered, pointing to himself with a shade of red on his cheeks. "Well for me personally because calling you 'Mob' gave me a little bit of a sore. Are preferable of being called, Shigeo-Kun?" You asked for permission, seeing Mob really flustered.

"I-I uhm—"

"Sure thing, (l/n)-San! After all, you're the first unrelated member to call Shige on his first name, so I can agree on that," Ritsu accepted, patting his hand on your shoulder. All you need is Shigeo's acceptance.
"It feels wrong to put down an opportunity to be called by my first name and. . . it's rare for someone defending the fact on naming me 'Mob'," it feels like a fifty-fifty percent chance for him to say yes or no.

"Of course, (l/n)-San. You can call me Shigeo-Kun," Shigeo accepted your request. He smiled to lighten up the atmosphere, the cat still rubbing on his leg. "As for me, call me Kageyama-Kun instead," Ritsu pointed himself with his thumb, giving enthusiasm to it.
You chuckled, seeing the Kageyama brothers' intro. "Please to meet you, Shigeo-Kun and Kageyama-Kun," smiling the brightest, it felt like you never knew you have an anxious feeling when you talk to people.

"We only have ten minutes before the bell starts. Better hurry up," Ritsu informed as the three of you walked along. The cat follow behind Shigeo, wanting more leg-rubs.

࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇

Students of Salt Middle School created crowds in the restrooms and in the hallway for their own club activities. In those crowds, you were stuck inbetween them, creating a way for you to come outside. Loud conversations and sweaty skin came to connect to your body. Hatred of sweat gave you the amount of perseverance to run through the crowd.
"Excuse me," you rushed your way to the outside, inhaling for cold air, pumping it to your lungs. Other people were bothered by your impolite actions and shoving. At last, the breeze of the numbing season reached to your body, welcoming oxygen. Standing, you held your knees, getting disgusted over the sweat of each student, men and women.

You stood straight, deeply inhaling for the last time, ignoring the fact of the crowd behind you. Functioning your legs, you walked to the gate, lazily slouching based of your mood. As the brown leaves scattered around, showing a small action in running in circles, you then remembered the project. You didn't tell Shigeo where to meet him, and majority maybe he's waiting at the gate.
You walk in a quick pace, carrying you shoulder bag. Reaching outside, your eyes scanned the surroundings to find Shigeo.

At the distance straight ahead, you see him petting the cat from a while ago. Another boy came next to him bringing a food shape carton. The spikey hair messaged your mind that it's Ritsu. They seem to befriend the cat. Unlike you, chasing the cat was the wrong idea.
"Shigeo-Kun!" You shouted, waving your hand for more attention. He immediately got your call, giving eye contact to you. "(l/n)-San!" He replied. All you did is run to them. Feels like being alone makes you a lot more anxious than usual. Being left out is what you avoided in the school but having no friends is the saddest part.

Reaching at the point of their surroundings, you adjusted the grip of your bag on your shoulder. Tiring of carrying a bag for school, you placed it down to free you right arm. The cat got scared of your bag landing on the street ground, it even flinched a little getting closer to Shigeo. The brothers are wearing their scarfs due to the windy season and the months passing by to December. Same goes to your style, your coat.

"The cat somehow really liked my company," Shigeo said, petting the cat a little more. In front of your eyes, Shigeo is enjoying his time on the cat. Loud purrs came out of it, showing appreciation by rubbing its neck more to his side. You find it cute.

Never fails to impress me, that's Shigeo.

The adorable scene made you snuck into your bag, kneeling to find your silver camera. The camera was pulled out and you took a quick picture of him petting the cat. A flash made Shigeo look at you taking a picture at him. "(l/n)-San!"
His face was painted with embarrassment, covering it with his arms. Ritsu was surprised too. You take a look at the picture, revealing Shigeo kneeling down as he stroked the cat's fur. Ritsu went near you to check the photo. He leaned over your shoulder getting a closer look. "Shige looks cute. Nice take (l/n)-San!" Ritsu compliments your skill, starry-eyed, eating the last takoyaki.

You smiled at the compliment. Shigeo stood up quickly and take a look at the photo too. The face of his sensed the unbearable heat creeping up from his heart. " You must be lucky, Shige. Since your partner here is good at taking photos," Ritsu went behind your back, went between you and Shigeo, laying his right arm around his back neck.

You can't resist but to chuckle at how Shigeo's little brother being a tease to him. The confidence between these brothers are slightly different. It seems to be something that you missed back then.
The blast of curiosity gave in the motivation of being friendly to these two. "I guess we should go ahead for thw research," Ritsu said, taking the lead. "R-Ritsu, I thought you're going back home," Shigeo said. "Isn't it wrong to guide my brother and his partner for a research? Maybe you need help or any facts from me," the little brother informed, walking backwards slowly. "Well he has a point. I guess he has the permission to," you shrugged to Shigeo. You carried your bag on shoulders again and you and Shigeo followed Ritsu.

Before taking a few steps, Shigeo summoned you back from your thoughts.
"Uhm, (l/n)-San?"  "Where are we gonna go for the research?"

Oh dear.

You smile nervously, avoiding eye contact. You can feel Shigeo deeply looking in your soul waiting for an answer. Your footsteps' noise made Ritsu stop, looking back that you and Shigeo stopped. Your nervous smile faded away. Inhaling you finally got the confidence to tell the truth. "Not to ruin the mood but. . . I haven't searched up great places for our research," you explained as your words started to disappear in your thoughts. You closed your eyes to get some blame from Shigeo.

"We can ask Serizawa and Reigen for any suggestions to go to," you heard Shigeo saying his recommendation to you. You opened your eyes, surprised that he wasn't mad. "O-Oh. . . I should have asked you back then for the research place," once again, words flew out of your sentence.
"No it's okay. If I weren't to say that earlier, it would have avoided you from worrying," he waved his hands on his chest level.

"You don't need to apologize, Shigeo-Kun. Let's face it that we're just unprepared for this," you stated as your hand landed on his shoulder. "Yeah," Mob mumbled to himself.
"Hurry up, you two! They might have a client to help!" Ritsu shouted at a distance. "Let's go, Shigeo-Kun," you released your hand from his shoulder and walked onwards. Shigeo just stood there for a few seconds and smiled to himself, meeting a person that shows a genuine personality.

Someone that he reminds of.

Pᴀɪɴғᴜʟʟʏ Oʙᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ  // Shigeo Kageyama x Reader [Mob Psycho 100 Fanfiction] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora