Signed In Blood

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"I'll gather the troops and have them meet outside Daly and Raymond's place, but there's a couple of things you should know," Frank told Adam over the handsfree in the car. "First, going up against warlocks on their home turf is exactly how I lost a lot of friends when we cleared out the last ones. There is no place on Earth that is more fortified against everything we can throw at it, and it's not like we can send angels in there with swords flying. The demons won't want to be involved either, but the warlocks have them enslaved. They'll fight to the death to protect their masters because they'll have no other choice."

"So we don't get otherworldly help, but they do," Adam called. "Sounds about right."

"And there's one other thing." Frank's voice suddenly sounded old and tired. "Adam, my time is almost over, and the girls have already gone on. They left me shortly after you went out with Blake."

That was not something Adam had expected to hear. "What? The girls are gone? So, if you go up against the warlocks..."

"...I'll be just as vulnerable to those damned demons as anyone else," Frank finished. "And it won't stop me, boy! I am coming to help that little girl."

"Thank you, Frank," Adam said humbly. "Is there anything you need?"

"First, I need to see where this happened and speak with the parents so we can make sure they and any other kids in that house are safe. Give me the address."

Adam rattled off Pharrell's address. "Frank, I want you to know how much I appreciate this. I wasn't too sure about you at first, especially when you told me to consider letting them have Blake! But you really are everything a paladin should be."

"A what?"

"Heh, never mind. I'll meet you at Pharrell's. And thank you again."

"Don't mention it."

Adam hung up. He wouldn't, couldn't, glance over at Blake. From the corner of his eye, he saw Blake's pale face. It matched Adam's own. Adam knew if the warlocks had really sent their demons after Leesha, then Blake wouldn't hesitate to fight them with all he had, no matter the consequences. But with Frank's guardian angels gone, Adam's best hope at getting Blake back if the warlocks took him away was gone as well.

Adam dared to take one hand off of the wheel long enough to reach over and squeeze Blake's hand. Then it was back to driving as quickly as he could, ignoring speed limits and any stop signs or red lights he could squeeze through in his desperate bid to reach Pharrell's. His heart pounded in his chest. He was afraid, but more than that he was angry, angrier than he'd ever been in his life. Bad enough that Carson and Usher threatened the man he loved. But to involve a sweet, innocent little girl that Adam loved like his own daughter? I'll kill them, he thought. If Leesha has so much as a scratch, I will fucking kill them with my bare hands, and I don't care if I die trying!

He couldn't let himself think about what would happen if Blake used his powers to save Leesha. He couldn't let his mind picture Blake locked up in a cage. If it happened, Adam didn't care what contract he'd signed. He would find a way to free Blake if it cost him his own soul.

The drive only lasted minutes, but it felt like an eternity. Blake was out of the car and running for the house before Adam was completely in the driveway. He quickly parked and was right on Blake's heels as the angel shoved his way into the house. As a result, when Blake suddenly stopped, Adam ran right into him.

There were Pharrell and Jenny, seated at their table in matching blue satin pajamas, coffee in one hand and parts of the Sunday paper in the other. They both froze as they were, staring in surprise at the two men who had just barged through their door. Jerome, who had opened the door for them, had been scooped up into Blake's arms while his brother peered around the corner from the living room with wide, surprised eyes.

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