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"Ok, quick tour," Adam said when he and Doe arrived in Adam's motel room. "Main room, twin beds, boob tube. There's the fridge, there's the microwave, and there's the box of ramen noodles that is pretty much our sole source of sustenance once the casseroles and potato salad are gone. Maybe I can get us something more now we have this money. Anyway, bathroom's that way. Tall as you are, if you lay down on the floor, you'll probably take up the entire room. But I guess beggars can't be choosers, right?"


"Right. So, this bed is mine, that one's yours. We'll have to swing by a Big and Tall and see about getting you some clothes, too. I'll end up maxing out my emergency credit card, so be it. Not like you can run around naked, is it?"

"You can run around naked."

"Thanks, I'll pass. But I am getting naked, because I'm calling first dibs on the shower." He directed Doe to the bed he'd assigned to him and held up the remote control. "You know what this is?"

Doe frowned at it in confusion.

"Guess not. Alright, this runs the TV." He put the remote in Doe's hand and went over the buttons.

Doe got the hang of channel surfing quickly. Satisfied, Adam patted him on the back. "You watch some TV while I get a shower. Then you can get one, and we can both call it a night. I don't know about you, but I'm beat. I know you just got out of a bed, but hey, at least you won't be tied down to this one, right?"

"Right?" Doe smiled. "Boob tube. Beggars can't be choosers."

Adam chuckled, patted his back again. Then he went for his shower.

A short time later, Adam came back out wearing fresh underwear and a t-shirt and found Doe watching, of all things, Nascar. His eyes were fixed on the screen, watching as cars drove around in a circle. Adam never could figure out the appeal. If he wanted to watch cars drive, he could look out the window, and the constant prattle of the thick southern accents grated annoyingly on his ears. "Oh, here comes a turn!" Adam called, imitating the accents. "And another turn! Yee haw, it's another turn! Don't know how y'all can watch this crap, but my theory is hypnosis. The cars constantly running around and around in a circle just puts everyone into a stupor. It's the only explanation!"

Doe's eyebrows shot up. He tilted his head towards Adam, and then tilted his head at the TV. "Yee haw!"

Adam laughed. "Hey, I was thinking, we should come up with something to call you besides John Doe, buddy, dude, or hey you. You got anything in mind?"

"No idea," Doe said.

"Ok, then if you don't mind, I'll try to come up with a suitable name for you while you're in the shower, and you can decide if you like it or not. Ok? Now go get a shower."

"Ok!" Doe didn't move.

Adam blinked in confusion. Then he quietly got up, led Doe into the bathroom, and went over the basics of showering and brushing teeth using the toothbrush from the desk clerk when they'd returned. To be safe, he explained toilet use and hygiene as well. Adam wasn't sure if Doe understood what to do or not, but shortly after he'd stepped out, Adam heard the shower turn on and the sound of splashing. Well, hopefully his new pet giant would figure it out.

Adam sat down with the phone book and began leafing through. He started with the yellow pages, looking through business names. "Shelton Master Plumber." Yeah, Adam had no idea what nationality it was, but Doe looked like he could potentially be a Shelton. Now he flipped through the white pages. This part was harder. Adam frowned and thought, risking giving himself another headache as he pieced names together. Finally he closed his eyes, held the book spine down between his hands, and let it drop and fall open on the floor. Then he picked the first name he saw as he heard the bathroom door open. "Blake Shelton," Adam called. "How's that sound for a name for you?"

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