Of Angels, Men, and Demons

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Freshly showered and changed, Adam and Blake piled into Adam's car. They made a quick stop at the bank to deposit CeeLo's check. Then they headed to Pharrell's. Pharrell called while they were traveling, and Adam quickly filled him in on what had happened in CeeLo's office.

"You and your crazy luck, Adam!" Pharrell exclaimed. "Only you could get caught almost literally with your pants down, about to fuck your boss's wife by the man himself, and end up with a promotion!"

"This wasn't Oden luck this time, buddy. It was all Blake," Adam replied, smiling at Blake. "That's just him doing his job!"

"Blake, you're a crazy ass motherfucker, but you're one hell of a guardian angel, buddy!"

Blake squirmed and looked away. "I'm not."

"Oh, don't be bashful!" Adam exclaimed as Pharrell snorted. "Pharrell's right. Hey Pharrell, we're about five minutes out. See you soon!"

They arrived in the middle of a domestic. Jenny and Pharrell had apparently gotten take-out, to which Blake and Adam quickly helped themselves. But now they were arguing over who would go to the library with Adam and who would stay home and watch the kids. Blake, not interested in the question, allowed himself to be led outside by the twins for a game of catch.

Leesha tugged on Adam's arm until he picked her up and got a kiss on his cheek. "Did you hang my picture on your fridge?" she asked.

Adam made a face. "I forgot! I'm sorry, I was bad. It's still here in my pocket." He patted the breast pocket of his jacket, where Leesha's picture still protruded slightly. "I haven't even had a chance to look at it yet! But I promise I'll hang it up as soon as I get home."

"If you don't, you're grounded, young man!" Leesha warned him in her best mommy voice.

Adam hung his head. "Yes, ma'am." He got another kiss on the cheek, gave Leesha one in return that made her giggle, and then lowered the squirming little girl. She immediately ran off after Blake and her brothers.

"We need a babysitter," Jenny was telling Pharrell when Adam returned to them. "Adam needs all the help he can get to learn all he can about Blake and what's going on with the two of them, but we can't take the kids to the library! The boys might read children's books, but Leesha will be bored and throw a tantrum."

"Woman, who are we going to get to babysit at five thirty on a Wednesday?" Pharrell wanted to know. "None of the people we use are available on a Wednesday! Jessica's working, Danni's at her mom's, and Martha's got her ceramic's class! We can't even ask Misty next door because she's out tonight, too. Godzilla's a latchkey pup tonight and we're supposed to let him out."

Jenny was peering out the window, looking at her sons as they showed Blake how to play catch. "You know, we got the perfect solution right there!" she exclaimed. "What better babysitter can we ask for than a guardian angel?"

Adam frowned. "Blake wouldn't let them get hurt, but he's not much better than a child himself in a lot of ways," he warned. "He can't read or really count past ten, and he wouldn't know how to call for help if anything happened."

"That, we can correct," Pharrell said. "We'll leave him one of our phones, show him how to call us if anything goes wrong. Jen's right, he's perfect for this! If he can't read, he won't be much help in the library anyway, and we can't really ask him much in front of other people. The kids love him. Blake can babysit them, while the three of us go research, bring back whatever we can find, and then sit him down and find out the real story!"

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