Desk Position

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 Adam and Pharrell cautiously knocked on Christina's door. "Come in!" she called.

The two friends poked their heads in, quickly noting that there was no sign of Blake. That made Adam feel simultaneously better and worse. It was good he wasn't causing trouble in here, but where could he have gone?

Christina looked up and brightened. "Oh, hello!"

"Sorry," Adam said aloud. "I seem to have lost my trainee. He was looking for the men's room, but he's been gone for a while now. I thought maybe he got lost."

"Yeah, he doesn't seem quite right in the head," Christina commented. She'd gotten up and was coming closer, her eyes on Adam.

Pharrell stepped in front of Adam, grabbing the handle. "Well, if you haven't seen him, we'll keep looking. Thanks, Mrs. Green!"

Pharrell tried to close the door, but Christina's hand shot out, holding the door open. "What was that trainee's name again? I've looked, but I don't see anything about getting a new employee."

"His name's Blake," Adam called. "Blake Shelton."

Her brow wrinkled. "Blake Shelton. I don't even remember doing his interview, and I think I'd remember that! Very strange. Who hired him?"

"Someone else hires them. I just train them," Adam replied.

"Yeah, and then, apparently he loses them!" Pharrell added. "Sorry to disturb you, Mrs. Green."

Once again, Pharrell tried to pull the door closed. And once again, Christina pushed it back open. "What's the big deal?" she asked. "So he got lost. If he's gone too long, I'll dock his pay and he'll learn."

"Oh, no big deal at all," Pharrell assured. "It's just that this guy's a buddy of ours and it's not like him to be gone this long. So we're just concerned and trying to help him out, you know? It is his first day on the job, and he needs to make a good impression."

"He's done a bang-up job of it so far," Christina huffed. "I still cannot believe he actually told me to keep my hands to myself!"

Pharrell's face took on an interesting expression.

Adam clamped a hand on his shoulder. "Anyway, we'll get back at it," he said. "Later!"

"What, so now you're going to stop looking for him?" Christina asked.

"Oh, no, we'll keep looking," Pharrell said, again trying to pull the door closed. "We'll let you know if we don't find him."

Christina pushed her way out the door. "You keep looking, Williams," she ordered, reaching past him to grab Adam's arm. "I need Adam's help with something."

Adam grimaced. "I need to find my trainee! Besides, my lunch break isn't for another half an hour!"

"Take an early one today," she advised, pulling him towards the door. "I have something I wanted to share with you."

Adam shot Pharrell a look, and Pharrell responded by grabbing Adam's other arm. "Mrs. Green, I really think we should keep looking for Adam's trainee," he insisted. "We know the guy, and this really isn't like him to just wander off without saying anything to us. What if something happened to him?"

Adam nodded, looking concerned. "We can cover twice as much ground in half as much time with two of us."

"He's a big guy. He shouldn't be too hard to find." Christina frowned at Pharrell. "Williams, is there some reason you're playing tug of war with me using Adam as a rope?"

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