A Walk In The Park

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Adam stopped by their apartment. He was still hesitant, but Blake strolled right in. After that, Adam relaxed. The two quickly changed into regular clothes, Blake into a flannel shirt and jeans, Adam into a t-shirt and skinny jeans and his motorcycle boots. Then they pulled on their jackets and the two headed out the door, walking the few blocks to the park.

Except for a couple of moms watching over their children in the sandbox, they had the park to themselves. It wasn't very big, but it was grassy with several trees currently budding that would soon burst into full leaf. Now that the rain had passed, the fragrant smell of a lilac bush in full bloom filled the park.

Adam had originally planned to just stroll around, enjoying the park with Blake. But Blake's eyes fell on a swing set, and he quickly approached. The big man looked the swings over with obvious curiosity, walking around them, examining them from every angle. Adam smiled, sat down on one of the swings, and started swinging. His legs were way too long to swing normally, so he bent them out to the side. Blake watched, his smile growing wider. Then he climbed onto the swing next to Adam and started mimicking his leg movements.

"You need to lean back, like this," Adam instructed. "Swing your legs out as you lean, back and forth. There you go, you're getting it! Damn, Big Country, those long legs of yours! I know you don't understand, but they're sexy as hell, especially in those jeans."

Blake only smiled. He swung with obvious delight, getting some real height now. Adam grinned and matched him. The two swung, laughing like children, until Adam got enough height. Then he leaped off the swing at its highest forward arc, landing and throwing up his arms like an Olympic gymnast.

A moment later, Blake landed next to him, mimicking Adam's arm movements. "Yeehaw!" he called

Adam laughed. "Yeehaw indeed!" He couldn't get over how beautiful Blake looked. His blue eyes shone as he looked at Adam, and the sheer joy in his smile took Adam's breath away. The angel quickly returned to his swing and started pumping again. Adam chuckled and did the same. But this time, Adam didn't move it much. He watched as Blake once again built up height and jumped, laughing as he did. Blake's innocent childlike enthusiasm made his heart ache a little.

This time, Blake's smile was warm and gentle as he looked at Adam. He once more returned to his swing, gently moving it back and forth as Adam was doing, eyes locked with his. "Good angel?" he asked.

"Very good angel!" Adam shook his head. "Blake, do you realize that you just solved the biggest problem in my life and removed my single biggest stressor? Not only that, but this promotion will mean my money problems improve. With no student loans, that gets even better, and the check CeeLo gave me?" He shook his head. "I don't even know what to do with all that! Get furniture for the apartment, I suppose. I signed a six month lease, so I guess I'll stay there, save up for a better place. That pregnant lady next to Pharrell, the one with Godzilla? Pharrell said she's moving to Arizona to be closer to her family in a few months after the baby's born. Maybe we can rent her half, live out with Pharrell and his family. I'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Blake nodded. His smile grew soft and wistful as his eyes went up towards the sky.

"Oh," Adam realized, his heart suddenly sinking. "You want to go home, as in your real home. Because you don't belong here, do you?"

Blake didn't respond right away. His eyes were locked on the sky, the blue in them echoing that above. "I like living with you, Rockstar," he said at last. "But I don't belong here. I'm trapped, and that's..." He shook his head. "Need more words."

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