Duty and Honor

38 0 18

Adam's eyes blinked open, seeing the familiar sight of the morning sun shining through his bedroom window in his parents' house. He stretched, his back a bit sore from the stiffness of his bed and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

And then the events of last night came crashing back to him.

He sat up with a gasp, his eyes immediately going to Blake's chair.

Blake was reclined there, buried to his eyes in the blanket, looking back at Adam. His blue eyes were as cold as ice.

Relief washed over Adam like a wave. "Oh, thank God! I thought you'd left me!"

"I tried, but I couldn't."

"Because of the demons?"

"Because you told me not to!" Blake reminded. Irritation dripped from his voice. "You said you were flat-out ordering me not to run away and leave you behind!"

Adam's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "And that worked? I can actually order you to do something, and you'll obey it? Damn, I gotta remember that!"

Blake vanished under the blanket.

"Ok, I get it!" Adam called. "I impinged on your free will. You told me last night that you only have so much of it, and I trampled on what little you have. It wasn't nice. But honestly? I do not give a shit! I would have tied you to this bed with my old socks if I had to, Blake, to keep you from running off and facing everything waiting for you in New York alone! I'm dead serious about that!"

No answer from the blanket.

"You know, you don't get to be pissy about it when you were about to put me to sleep and take off!" Adam pointed out. "You tried to impinge on my free will first! What's the difference between the two sins, huh? And what the hell did you put me out for? You scared the shit out of me, you giant hillbilly cock! I was..."

Adam frowned, and then raised an eyebrow. Blake hadn't moved under the blanket, and Adam finally realized what he was doing. "Blake? Holy shit, are you sulking?"

"Fuck you!"

Adam blinked. "Ok, that's a yes. Wow, you really wanted to leave me behind last night, didn't you?"

"Yes! This is dangerous, Adam, and you're a stupid asshole!"

"Tough shit, dickhead, you're not leaving me behind!"

Blake angrily kicked his feet once beneath the blanket, like a child throwing a tantrum. "Let me go!"

"No fucking way!" Adam yelled, no longer caring if he woke his parents. He got up and stomped over to stand next to Blake's chair, hands on his hips, glaring down at the bump under the blanket. "You are, hands down, the best thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life, alright? That is why I am not going to just let you go off and get yourself killed without a fight! I'm going with you, whatever happens!"

Silence from the blanket.

Adam sighed. "Come on, buddy. Get dressed, let's grab a quick bite to eat, say goodbye, and head back to New York so you can complete your divine mission."

Blake threw the blanket off, revealing that he was already dressed. Then he crossed his arms stubbornly across his chest. "Don't want to eat," he grumbled.

"So, you're just going to stay up here and sulk like a child?"

Blake's answer was to roll over into a strop.

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