Your Friendly Neighborhood Warlocks

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Adam could hear it the moment he stepped into the odd purple light. Blake was singing again, but this time his song was heartbreaking. It spoke of fear, anger, pain, distress, and humiliation, all providing a gentle countermelody to the overlying theme, the sickening feeling of being trapped. For the most part, it was only emotion. But now came the telepathic portion as well. "Let me go!"

Adam bolted out of the alley and looked up. There was Blake, wings beating so hard and fast they were a blur, darting around in the air in the open area between warehouses. His face was a twisted grimace of effort as he struggled, fighting to pull free from the chain on his left wrist. As the odd purple light pulsed, Blake faded in and out of sight, one minute clearly visible and the next ghostly and barely there.

Usher and Carson were standing on the ground next to the familiar SUV. In Carson's hand was an elaborate staff, made of metal, obsidian, and crystal. A dark violet crystal tipped the staff, and this was the source of the pulsing glow. Next to him, Usher stood with both hands holding his pistol, which was pointed at Blake. But instead of bullets, a slender golden chain extended from the barrel of the weapon. The chain grew thicker and heavier as it went out from the weapon until it reached the shackle around Blake's wrist. The angel was struggling wildly against it and Usher held on, looking like an angler trying to land a prize catch. The warlock was smiling broadly even as he strained. "Come on, dammit!" he yelled. "You can't win this, you stupid creature!  Stop fighting and land!" His finger moved, squeezing the trigger.

Blake's song was suddenly filled with pain. His body jerked, his wild flapping stuttered, and he dropped to a heap on the ground. Immediately, the chain began to retract into Usher's weapon, dragging Blake along the ground towards the two warlocks.

"No!   You don't know what you're doing!" Blake twisted quickly around, got to his feet and dug in his heels.   Once more, the wings flapped, and Blake was again in the air, fighting to regain the inches he'd lost. "Stop!  Let me go!"

"Let him go!" Adam yelled. "Stop it, you're hurting him!"

Usher's eyes remained locked on his prey, but Carson's turned and spotted Adam. A pleasant, welcoming smile spread across his features. "Levine! Get over here," he called, waving Adam over. "We need your help with this capture."

"Are you out of your fucking minds?" Adam exclaimed. "You knocked us out of the sky, you just had a demon drag me over here, and you're trying to enslave my angel! You're crazy if you think I'm going to help you! Let him go!"

That made both warlocks chuckle. "Just come here," Carson said pleasantly. "Give us this angel, and we'll get you back to our place so we can take that spell off of you. The mutts won't bother you after that."

"Are you deaf, or just stupid? I am not going to give you my guardian angel!"

And now the warlocks laughed, exchanging a knowing look. "Stupid peasants!" Usher scoffed. "They see an angel and automatically think it's there to protect them!"

"Don't be an ass, Usher, it's not his fault," Carson scolded. He waved Adam over again. "Come on, Levine. We won't hurt you."

"You're hurting Blake!"

"That was it!" Usher exclaimed. "I thought you gave this thing a name before. Damn, I could not remember it, and dickhead Carson here wouldn't tell me." He frowned up at Blake, who was still struggling in the air. "Ok, Blake, playtime's over. You get your ass down on the ground or you're getting another jolt!"

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