Speedy Getaway

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The trip up into the angel realm was probably the most nerve wracking thing Adam had yet experienced. It started with Blake's hesitation when Adam had said his final goodbyes and put his arms around the angel's neck, ready to be picked up. For a long, awkward moment, Blake had only stood stiffly with his hands at his sides. When he'd finally scooped Adam up, his face had been blank, and he'd refused to meet Adam's eyes.

But even this was nothing compared to the actual departure. As Blake shot like a comet from the garage, Adam had looked down and saw what appeared to be a heavy cloud of thick, black smoke on the ground. Looking like an island of calm in a black, stormy sea, his father's house almost seemed to gleam. But as the circle of rocking, praying rabbis around the house faded in the distance, the cloud itself swelled, rising from the ground in a cone shape to give pursuit.

Blake's mighty wings pounded like pistons, carrying them higher and higher. Adam clung fearfully to him, looking back. The demons were slowly but steadily closing the gap. No longer a shapeless mass, Adam could pick out individual creatures, nightmares of teeth and claws and leathery wings, sulfur breath staining the air foul, roaring and screeching in a sound felt rather than heard as they gave chase. Slowed by a human body and Adam's weight, Blake was losing his frantic race. Adam was staring into the blazing red eyes of a snarling hunter only yards away when the demons suddenly shrieked, frantically back flapped, and then dove back towards the ground below.

They had reached the angel realm.

Adam breathed a sigh of relief. If it hadn't been for the intervention of the rabbis, he had no doubt that the speedy hunters would have surely caught up to them. But now they were safe. Adam let himself relax and bury his face into Blake's neck for a moment. "Nice flying, buddy!" he exclaimed. "That was way too close."

"It will be closer when we reach New York."

"Yeah, I know." Adam dared risking Blake's irritation by staying pressed against his neck a bit longer, giving in to his need for the comfort this provided. He wasn't surprised when Blake turned his face away, but it still hurt. He drew back, trying to act like it hadn't. But now he could hear Blake's singing, joining with the other angels barely visible among them. The song wasn't angry so much as it was sad, with a strong note of dread and fear that made a lovely yet notable counterpart to the general theme of the angel realm. Adam listened to it for a moment, looking down at Blake's arms. Blake carried him bridal style this time, with Adam clinging to his neck. The golden chains were visible once more on Blake's wrists. The chain on his left arm led ahead, stretching out to whatever the warlocks had as one spell focus in New York. But the other chain was leading up, stretching into Adam's body.

Adam stared for a long moment at the chains. Then he took Blake's chin and turned his face towards him. "Don't be angry at me," he pleaded as Blake's eyes met his. "I'm sorry! I know I hurt you and you're frightened, and nothing I can say will make up for ordering you to stay with me." He indicated the chains. "I never wanted this. You told me that the manacles didn't hurt you unless you tried to fight, and you must have fought last night! I never wanted to hurt you, Blake! I understand if I frighten you, now that I know I can control you. But I won't do it again. I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do, alright? Please please don't stay angry at me!"

"I'm not angry at you, Rockstar," Blake replied, his song growing more soothing. "Mostly, I'm just pissed off at myself for getting you into this mess in the first place."

"Blake, you didn't do anything wrong! It's not your fault that you're bound to me."

Blake looked away, and his song took on a note of shame. "It is, Adam. It really is."

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