CHAP48-"Reveal to me"

Start from the beginning

"What? Distraction? He was let free for being a distraction?" I asked.

"Yes. Apparently that was his plan. And it worked perfectly. He had drugged Hoseok to a state that he won't wake up for a whole day. He told me he will get him back. And getting Jimin was quite easy actually. He was walking with Suga and I had just gestured him from far to join me for a second. Without any hesitation he came to my side and Suga just shrugged it off seeing that I was a student though he couldn't see my face from the distance"

"Okay. Okay. Okay. No, seriously, this dude really needs a name. I'm fed up of hearing he and him. Can we name him something Mr. Kim?"

"Sure Jungkook. Let's name him..." he talked, looking around. "Mr. Pickle" he continued, spotting an unfinished jar of cucumber pickle on his table.

"Wait—what? Mr. Kim, I'm literally imagining a pickle walking around with a gun in its hand. And that's like the creepiest shit ever"

"Child, we don't have time for crazy names right now"

"Trust me that's the craziest name ever"

He shook his head in disapproval and went back to asking her questions.

"Haylee, please continue addressing the murderer as Mr. Pickle"



"The next time was when I had to make a call to Suga. Mr. Pickle told me to talk very informally, as if I knew them. He then told me to convince them to stay at school for longer, until it's closed to be precise"

"I can't believe this. She—she—she's gone mad Mr. Kim"

"No Jungkook, she is just a prey to someone's hypnosis"

I gave him yet another confused look.

"Well—how else can I put this—she—she's under a spell?"

"Ohh okay" and to that immediate reaction of mine he had a huge sigh escape his lips.

"Tell me Haylee, when was the next time you were called"

"The next time was when I had unknowingly led him to his next victim to kill. Beside the boy there was a child. He seemed to love me? Smile at me? I rather had no clue about his identity or the reason behind that beautiful angel like smile. I was frozen on my feet when he had approached me while asking who had called me. After a matter of seconds I saw his smile dying while he had made a run to the opposite direction to where I stood like a statue. Because that's what Mr. Pickle told me"


"To not move a muscle. He told me to not turn whatever happens"

"So you just let him kill that boy"

"I am bond under his command. My body won't listen otherwise. I hate it, of course. But I can't do anything about it"

"It's okay, just continue"

"And after that the last time I was called was when he asked me to bring the next victim, Ashly. And for that I had to text her to come to school. That's it. That's all I had to do"

"Okay, Halylee. You may leave now" Mr. Kim said.

"Where?" she asked.

"To where ever you go"

"I don't go anywhere. I go only where he asks me to"

"Hm, how do you think we can make Harin come back" Mr. Kim asked me, rubbing his jaws. "Maybe her ringtone will help. Try calling into her phone, Jungkook" he ordered and I quickly got into action while searching for her name in my contacts.

I made a quick call and waited for her phone to ring.

And it did. But it did not have that ringtone.

Mr. Kim and I had an awkward staring moment as we both didn't know what to do.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"I mean, if I wake her up right now, then she is going to be woken up as Haylee. And that's bad because she will only listen to the murderer in her conscious mind"

"Right" I said, scratching behind my hair. "Well, the murderer, Mr. pickle" I continued, eyeing him sarcastically for which he had no emotion what so ever, so I just talked seriously this time. "He had called Haylee three times within a gap of approximately six seconds. What if Harin will also respond in three calls?"

"But we don't have the ringtone to stimulate her brains into thinking such way?"

"I know Mr. Kim. But just think about it. Every time Haylee was close to being caught, someone always called Harin twice, which she even said she heard right? What if the third call of Harin's name is what shuts Haylee down? And maybe that's why Haylee can't hear the third call. Because at the third call she stiffens and becomes Harin"

"Um...right.....did you just get that yourself?"

"I mean, of course the murderer don't want Haylee to respond to anyone right? So maybe that's why to waken Haylee, one needs that whistle tune he created....but to get her back to Harin, one only needs to call her name thrice. I mean c'mon, its genius actually of him. If somebody finds something odd in her, obviously the first thing they will do is call her name a few times to get her attention, and that will bring her back to Harin"

"Son, I can't believe you came out smart"

"Excuse me" I questioned with a hurt expression.

"You are excused"

Mr. Kim leaned forward to call her name three times. But a thought suddenly stroke me and I had to stop him.

"Wait, Mr. Kim, there is something I want to ask Haylee"

"Okay, make it quick"

"Haylee, do you know where he keeps everyone he kidnaps?"

"Yes, of course"


"Well, he never lets me enter. All I have to do is stay outside the closed door whenever I had someone he needed with me"

"Where is that place?"

"The school godown. It's an underground passage to get to that place. Nobody actually goes there"

"Of course nobody would" I said, running my hand through my hair not knowing if it was excitement of knowing where I can find them or the frustration of having to talk to another person inside her.

"That place in our school was declared haunted ever since I was a child. Even the teachers or our janitor never goes down there. It's so deep down the building that if someone gets stuck there and starts to scream, nobody would know"

"Of course, what do you expect from a psychopath" Mr. Kim commented. "Now I'm going to wake her up as Harin, okay?" I nodded in answer.

With a huge breath, Mr. Kim leaned towards her once again. Of course my theory was nothing more than a hypothesis. There was no guarantee for it to actually work.

We both were dead curious about the result.

"Harin" Mr. Kim called and waited for six seconds to pass by while we both were counting with our fingers like children.

"Harin" he called again.

"Harin" it was the last call to search for success. And the result was,

"Yes" she answered.


A/N- finally the explanations are done for Haylee. I actually have no idea if even one of you noticed any of this. Or did you?

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