Late Night Toke

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Two hours earlier

"She tells you all she knows, you grant full immunity."

"Immunity?" Harris cackles, "Hank this isn't a god damn episode of Law & Order, we don't do that shit in real life, not at this station anyway."

"Then she has no reason to say anything if you refuse to work out any sort of deal."

Harris rolls her eyes, "Malina, you tell me what you know and I will somehow lose your arrestment paperwork and you can go home for now. But," she wags a finger at me, "this won't just go away we're going to investigate and we're going to make sure we know exactly what happened. If it comes down to it, we need your full cooperation in court, testifying and all."

I look to Hank for his approval, he gives a small nod and I look back at Harris, "okay," I whisper.


"You did very good in there, it's best to not let Harris get to you, she feeds off that. Surprised she was oh so generous," he rolls his eyes, "letting you off for the night. I've dealt with her before, she likes to play tough guy and let suspects sit over night hoping they'll crack. A family member always posts the bail before a couple hours are up so her tactic hardly works."

Hank offers to take me to Sasha's so we can talk more about the case and he can talk with Sasha's parents on what's going on.

"I'm sure they've got a warrant by now and are going through the beach house. Soon after, if they find any blood, pills or anything you spoke of, they'll get permission to search cars, his house, his work, everything. So if you think that they'll find something of yours as incriminating, I'm telling you right now, do not step foot back into his house. You still have the ability to say that you haven't been back there since the three of you left for San Denaburg. If you do go back, and this does go to court, you will be deemed an accomplice and they can stretch the accomplice thing to unbelievable lengths, trust me I've watched them do it."

That reminds me, my fucking phone!

"Adeen took my phone! What if he's tried to set me up by sending texts or looking up weird shit online?"

"Well, he doesn't have it right now since being arrested. Eventually they'll look at both of your phone records, but as long as you know which messages, calls, alarms, whatever, as long as you know what you did and did not do I will defend you, just stay honest. Even if you did something that you think makes you look bad, don't deny it just tell me. We all look a lot worse if you lie, you look guilty and I come off as not knowing what the hell I'm talking about."

I nod, he continues.

"The best thing for you to do is stay put at Sasha's, make sure you're with someone at all times when you do leave the house and if Harris, Tipper or any other hand of the law approaches you, you're response must be, I need to call Hank before I can agree or disagree. That should be your only response alright? Don't post shit on social media, don't go calling around spouting off about what happened, hell if you really need to get something off your chest and you don't want to come to me, confide in your bestfriend, she's good with keeping calm as you know."

I nod, "you're right."

Someone could've died at Sasha's feet and she'll maintain herself, her voice may rise but she won't ever run around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Not like me.

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