Radio Star Crime Scene

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I shouldn't have gone with Nick back to his place. I was left entirely unsatisfied and in need of something, anything more. It wasn't until I reached the comfort of my own home that I realized I was so horny that I was jumping into bed to take care of the mess Nick created.

I was scrolling through my phone for something to watch for so long that I tired my fingers out before I even began to use them. With my lack of brain cells, I barely managed to form the thought that I had met a porn star not even 24 hours ago.

All I knew was that his first name was Vince, but if I needed to find him I could always ask Hannah. Hell, she could probably give me his address. As soon as I typed in his name I got hundreds of results.

When the face with the energetic green eyes popped up on my screen I felt compelled to click on the video. A large popup informed me that I had to log into the site. I figured if what I saw was any good then I would be back, so I needed to make a memorable login.

A flouncy blonde walks across a bar, her eyes locked on the beauty that is Vince. His back is to the camera, but I've been acquainted with his back, so it wasn't hard to recognize him. The blonde stopped a few feet behind Vince and fixed her dress and hair.

The dress was shining in the low lighting but the light seemed to focus on bouncing off her golden hair. She lifted her perfectly manicured hand to tap on his shoulder. He turned around with a beautiful smile shining at the woman.

"I was wondering if you'd like to dance," She offered.

"Sorry, you're not who I thought you were," Vince replied with his smile fading.

A shorter brunette less scantily dressed appeared behind the blonde and tapped on her shoulder, "I think he means me love." 

His smile reappeared and she led him to the dance floor. As they danced the chemistry between them oozed through the camera. He held one hand on her hip and the other tangled in her hair.

"Follow me," She spoke in his ear.

Leading him to a bathroom nearby, she pushed the door open and forced everyone inside to leave. Then she locked them both inside and pulled him further into the room.

He backed her against one of the walls and trailed his fingers up her thigh slowly. When he reached the middle of her thigh he grabbed her and wrapped her legs around his waist. She roughly pulled on his hair to move his head back and placed her lips to his neck.

Using his body to keep her against the wall, he lifted his shirt off his torso. The camera moved slowly down his body, giving the audience a good look of his bare chest. The man was incredibly fit, as if he sweat protein.

He wasn't as gentle with her clothing, forcing it off her body in a quick motion and discarding of it. She pushed him back and dropped her feet to the floor, and then dropped onto her knees. She was quick to unbutton his jeans and

My phone shut off. I groaned so loud that Hannah knocked on the door to ask if anything was wrong. I rolled over in bed and had the urge to scream into my pillow, though I resisted.


"Hey we just got a new follower," I announced to the crew.

"So," Julian rolled his eyes, "We get new followers by the minute."

"I think this might be a special follower. Does StuckJunkxoxo sound familiar to you?" I asked.

"Oh great, we have a stalker," Julian said while shoving his face in his hands.

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