Diamond Ring

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Hermionies p.o.v:
She places the ring on my finger and I fill with joy and anticipation of what will become our journey and life. The ring fits like a glove and it is perfect, the band is small and it has three small diamonds placed in the center how much would this have cost? My mind races with a thousand different thoughts she can see it in my eyes.

Ginnys p.o.v:
I look into her eyes they were wide like deer's yet still remained perfect, I take her by the hand and lead her to the fireflies and our rose catching them float around like lanterns turning towards her I press my lips softly on her cheek that respond with a sea of fusha rippling across her cheeks. The moons glow hilights her hair and creates a silhouette around her I take a poloroid dedicated to her beauty and another one of us both to commemorate the moment, we realise how late it is and scoop up rose to take her home but we do not separate our hands the entire time that we walk through the cobbled streets.

Hermionies p.o.v:
My eyes flutter awake and I see the sun beaming through the windows and Ginny so perfectly asleep her hair glows like a warm fire against the sunlight and her freckled skin looks surreal I cannot believe what had happened even when I look at the ring. Gently I cuddle Ginny for a short while and decide to make breakfast and let Rose play while I make the food for us all, I make Ginnys favourite pancakes and strawberries I leave an array of pancake toppings so she can enjoy what has been served. I believe Rose loved it as she finished it all and wanted more so I allowed her to eat the leftover pancakes nobody had eaten and a few strawberries.

Draco and Harry had reached out to us and congratulated us on our engagement, we haven't had chance to talk or meet up much because little rose decided to come along and Harry and Draco had a baby with a surrogate who just happened to be luna lovegood he looked a lot like draco even though they used Harry's sperm but maybe it is just luna's genes but they named him Daniel.

I stare intently at my phone and think of how to word it but I ask them both to meet us for Daniel and Rose to have a play date while we all catch up to which they agreed. We get ready quickly so we have enough time to get there and it was partly due to the fact we couldn't wait to see two of our best friends.

*later in the afternoon*
Ginnys p.o.v:
We arrive to see them both sat waiting for us I place Rose on the ground to play with Daniel and hug the boys, it's strange seeing them after so long but we immediately begin chatting and catching up which was great apart from the nappy changes and crying they do. Draco had said he'd began playing the violin and Harry played the flute which I thought I'd never see in my entire life but then again I never saw Harry and Draco be together in my entire life.

Upon arrival home we threw the bags down infront of the door then slumped into the sofa, slowly sinking into it as if it is quick sand. Rose had exhausted herself and her eyes began flickering before they closed and she lay asleep in hermionies arms, they look so sweet and gentle I can't belive how perfect this life is for us just me, mionoe and Rose all together... Well and of course my side of the family my mother is overly excited about the wedding and is already trying to get me to buy a dress; but I don't think I want one I want to wear a jumpsuit I mean who cares for tradition anyway.

Hermionies p.o.v:
I lay awake restless although I am tired and my eyes are heavy, I turn towards Ginny who lay there asleep so peacefully and I stroke my hands through her hair carefully as to not wake her it runs through my hands like a stream of water forming a waterfall off the edge of a cliff. I begin falling asleep but I have a feeling of fear but I don't know why...

I wake up in the morning and shake the thoughts out of my head I should not be thinking like that but I see Ginnys face and it confirms all of my doubts. I ask her what's wrong she looked at me pure shock through her eyes "Ron never died... He's escaped and he's out there looking for us" I couldn't speak, I couldn't move, I could only stand in pure silence. I ask her where Rose is and to my relief she comes crawling into the room cooing at the fairly lights that hanging up on the wall. "Ginny we need to leave now" the truth is I love this house it has so much character and love however I do not want to run the risk of Ron finding us since he knows exactly where we live...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2019 ⏰

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