Chapter 1: Him...

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Hermione passed the food over to Ron who snorted and took a large gulp of his firewiskey, he would usually have a muggle drink at hand, and then he placed it down on the coffee table next to him.

"Dont you want to eat the food I made you Ron?" She asked through her teeth as she was scared of the consequence she would face. Ron looked at it with and expression of disgust.

"whatever" he said taking a large gulp of his drink

"Ron please put the drink down. What would your mother..." Hermione paused as his bottle came hurtling towards her head and slashing her cheek she raised her hand upwards and gently placed it on her cheek, tears in her eyes.

"Get out, bitch!" He screamed in anger

"Ron you have changed so much from your old loving caring self what happened?" Hermione asked him

"For Merlin's sake would you fuck off, Mudblood," another one of his bottles came flying across the room towards her but she dodged it this time and it hit the mantelpiece smashing into shards across the floor.

She stormed upstairs where the library was she was currently reading one named Endeavour' by Draco Malfoy it was only since Ginny (her best friend) started dating him she took interest into that ferret's work.

She had indulged herself within the first few chapters of the book when she had heard Ron shout something. She was only driven by fear she hates him but she loves him and will always go back to loving him five years it had been like this but she could do nothing to get away.

"Ron? Are you okay?" An unbearable pain came over her as she spoke, Ron had made sure to take her wand so she wouldn't use it to fight back he had also threatened to end her life if anyone was to find out and would make it painful for her.

"Get down here..." She slowly walked down the stairs as she knew her fate...

"Crucio!" Hermione fell to the ground in agony

"Ron stop! Im-I'm pregnant" she broke down in tears she wasn't going to tell him until later

" I don't care Mudblood" he screamed Hermione didn't know what to think she had no clue why Ron started to call her that. He cast a binding spell on her and walked to the kitchen to get a knife 'Mudblood' he began to carve carelessly over where Bellatrix had.

"oh and Ginny wrote to you, she told you about how she knows about me and what she calls 'abuse' as if I'm abusive! You filthy-Mudblood!" He kicked her legs leaving red markings of his shoe on them and stormed off in a fit of anger, furiously getting a bottle of liquor on the way.

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