chapter 6: whats happening?

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The girls had woken up late as they had stayed up late explaining to Molly what had gone on with Ron. Hermione slowly got out of bed and looked at herself in the mirror her eyes had bags under them and had turned blood shot from the river she cried, she looked over towards the pillow and saw a giant circle of water from where she had cried that night and Ginny had comforted her.

She walked down the stairs and smelt bacon and eggs (her favourite), "Morning" Ginny said softly to Hermione and handed her a plate of the food she made after they had eaten everything the smell of the food lingered in the air for a while Hermione loved it. Ginny said with a small smile "you okay from last night," Hermione nodded and replied quietly "Yeah i'm sure I will be fine." Hermione suddenly pulled a face, a face Ginny couldn't recognise and Hermione instantly knew what it was...

she was going into labour Ginny quickly grabbed the hospital bag and some floo powder (to go to the hospital even though she knew she should never use magic around muggles but couldn't help it) when they had arrived Ginny quickly grabbed a doctor and Hermione was seen to immediately Hermione still had no idea what was going on they were hooking her up to wires and machines and drips to give her medication all she knew was that she hated it and she didn't know how long it was going to be either. Suddenly she got woke up it was the nurse saying it was time to push quickly Hermione looked at the clock 2:43 am great she thought just great she had to deliver the baby at 2:43 in the morning and she is still half asleep. It had felt like forever but finally Rose was born her hair was the perfect shade of red it was like a sunset she looked perfect, Hermione began to cry as they laid her new child on her chest for the very first time and even Ginny began to cry tears of joy she loved it and promised herself she would raise the child like it was hers and be the 'farther' she would never have had and she would love the child forever...

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