Chapter 8: what happened to him...

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Hermione's P.O.V:

My phone began to ring... I looked over to see who it was but I didn't recognise the number and I didn't want to pick up but eventually I did and it was the ministry telling me about how the divorce had gone to plan and that because of the severity of the injury's Ron had caused me he would be sent to Azkaban and would pay the price of his life... I was a little taken back at this and felt a little guilty but I knew that it was the right thing to do and he deserves to be there. As soon as I hung up I ran downstairs to tell Ginny what's happening with her brother and to my surprise she didn't cry all she said was good and continued what she was doing.

Ginny's P.O.V:

I could tell that Hermione was in shock about what I had just told her however I know that Ron deserves to be there in Azkaban especially for what he did to Hermione but also for the pain he caused everyone else to have and I know I really shouldn't say this because he is my brother but in glad that he is going to die there...

Ron's P.O.V:

The final verdict I was going to be sent to Azkaban for a life sentence which means i'm being sent to die... I didn't do anything it should be Hermione that they send here I did nothing at all to her, it was all her but in the end they chose that I needed to spend the rest of my life in this hell hole. They locked me up and told me I would be kept here until the day of my death... I began to ponder about here I thought it was a place that your parents told you about to scare you into being good, I also began to ponder about my family and then I moved onto that bitch Hermione who caused all of this if she hadn't disobeyed my commands then we wouldn't be in this mess but even if I did try and get her in here I know that it wouldn't work and they will always be on her side.

days, weeks, months went past and I was slowly beginning to go insane like the rest of these... these animals.... I call them this because there defiantly not human well at least not how they used to be, there is only one other person here that isn't insane... yet... and I decided if I was going to die here I may as well have some fun with the rest of my life, I saw her from across the room and her name was Lavender Brown I remember her from Hogwarts but she was always a good kid and I think she had a crush on me but I never had one on her she was too good for me but now I see her in this new light she has definitely changed a lot from then as soon as I saw her I immediately walked her and dragged her by her wrist and then up to my cell and shoved her body onto the bed and began to pull her clothing off her body reviling her slim figure that my hands began to trace and I began to kiss her neck and the rest of her...

The next thing I knew it was morning and I was waking up beside Lavender brown nestled up against me and the prison guards surrounding us they immediately knew what had just occurred and grabbed Lavender and took her towards the bathroom where they allowed her to change and gave her a pregnancy test which came out positive and they knew that they had to let her go or force an abortion when they can and they allowed her to make the choice obviously she chose to be set free but now i'm left in this shit hole with nobody and the thought of how I have two children now and suddenly my heart began to sink, I didn't know what to do I now have to live with the fact I have children and they will never know who there dad is but maybe that's a good thing because the wouldn't want a dad like me...

That's the last thing I remember before I slipped into shock and insanity I began to see light before me and my soul reach out of my body and I immediately knew I was dying and even though I knew that I was supposed to and it would soon happen it still didn't feel right I know that she should have not me....

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