Chapter 2: Its been a long time...

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Hermione knew she had to act fast and leave the house immediately she knew exactly where to go Ginny's house she quickly packed her belongings making a mental list as she packed and then ran out the door crying and thinking about how naive she was for staying with him and tolerating his abuse for so many years...too many years and this was her breaking point that made her realise what he really was like and after all she had an unborn baby to protect and she would protect they baby even if that meant leaving the one she loved.

When she arrived she got a warm welcome with a hint of relief from Ginny who then quickly guided her inside

"Take your jacket off and make yourself at home" Ginny told her

But still at first Hermione insisted that she should keep it on so Ginny wouldn't discover the bruises and new 'Tattoo' of the words 'Moodblood' Ron had given her previously however she quickly realised it would soon be time Ginny would see them anyway and so she took it off

"What happened to you?" Ginny said shocked at what she was seeing

"ummm... It was Ron and I'm sorry Ginny I just cant stay with Ron any longer I love him still but I also hate him and I also need to tell you something...Im...pregnant" she told Ginny

Ginny still in shock about what Hermione had just told her said "pregnant?...with Ron's baby?"

"Yes with Ron's baby Ginny. He has no clue that I'm gone though I snuck out whilst he was still slouched on the sofa unconscious" she explained

"Wait unconscious? What do you mean? What did you do to him?" Ginny placed the tea and scones that she had just made in front of Hermione.

"He was happens alot I guess" Hermione said sipping her tea.

"by you mean...a couple times a week?" She said taking a small bite out of her scone.

" happens everyday" Hermione whispered as the lump in her throat grew bigger as she attempted to hold back her tears eventually she couldn't hold back her tears and began to cry Ginny stood up and walked over to her pulling her up from the chair into a loving embrace to cheer her up and finally saying

"dont worry Mione, I'll look after you and anyway when was the last time you saw Harry or Draco? I also didn't see you at Luna and Blaise's wedding four months ago but Ron had made an appearance and had claimed you were not feeling well and was throwing up" Hermione gulped fighting back the urge to tell her exactly what happened...

"Hermione if you tell me I can fix this I promise" she must have sensed something else was going on in the bigger picture.

"I dont know what I had done wrong but Ron...he tortured me with a curse that day. I remember him doing it once before, but this time he really did it" Ginny looked astonished, angry and upset all at once but Hermione payed no attention as her eyes darted around the room to stop herself from crying again when finally her eyes rest on her hands "I was unconscious, and when I had woken up I-I was stripped naked and stuck to the wall but Ron had left for the wedding. I couldn't move I was paralyzed by the magic. When he had returned three days later I was on the brink of death as he had put a curse on me that made me vomit however I fell unconscious again and it stopped, however when I woke up the second time there were three long whip like sensations across my back and when Ron finally let me down there were huge gashes along my back I had gotten extremely dehydrated and hungry and he finally took away the curse and sternly told me if I pulled an act like that again it would be much more severe and he would put me up there for a month only giving me food and water every three days!" She told her Ginny listening intently.

Ginny slowly rose from her seat

"come on lets get some rest and cheer up."

When they got upstairs. Ginny gave Hermione some spare pajamas to wear (as Hermione didn't bring any since she was in a rush to leave) they got changed and Ginny turned to leave when she heard a faint call from across the room "stay with me Ginny" Ginny nodded and climbed into the cold bed next to Hermione's warm body and she turned off the light but also grabbing Hermione's had "it'll be okay Mione" she said brushing back Hermione's hair and tucking it behind her ear "I'll stay with you."

Hermione knew she meant it.

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