chapter 7: It has changed...

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Loud crying filled the room and Hermione woke up groggily and checked the clock 2 am, she hated waking up this early to hear her baby cry and be so upset because it hurt her to see that Rose was crying so she got out of the warm bed and walked over to Rose and gently lifted her from her cot then slowly rocked her from side to side to try and settle her again and sure enough it worked she fell asleep again. Hermione carried her to the bed and cradled her in her arms and brushed her hands through her soft red hair until Ginny woke up,which was around 5 am, when Ginny woke up she was welcomed with loving hugs from the people she loved the most as well as a soft kiss from Hermione.

Ginny's p.o.v:

when I woke up I was welcomed with so much love, I have never seen so much in one room before, I felt so special when I woke up and I was so happy to see both of them laying there looking at me and Rose looked so cute laying in Hermione's arms while she looked up at me with her icy blue eyes. All of us got out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen where I made breakfast for me and Hermione while she was breastfeeding Rose I thought that I would make her favourite breakfast Eggs and Bacon as soon as the bacon started to sizzle Hermione knew what I was making and couldn't wait to eat all of it, and she did.

Later on that day we got a knock on the door it was Harry he hadn't seen us in a while and he felt bad for not visiting sooner but he explained that he was having trouble with the Dursleys again he said they were causing trouble with him again and bringing up his parents but he also told us some news that him and Draco are together now which we all thought was going to happen because they didn't really try and hide they had feelings for one another. He asked if Hermione had the baby yet and right at that moment Hermione walked through with Rose in her arms and replied yeah I have shes right here.

Harry's p.o.v:

Hermione's daughter was perfect in every way her hair was gorgeous it looked like embers from bonfires in November and her eyes were the perfect shade of blue she was adorable and I hope that she grows up to be just like Hermione and Ginny especially because there both good and smart people and Rose deserves to have a better parent then Ron will ever be... or ever has been...

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