Chapter 3:'just friends'...

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No sound could be heard but the dead of night and two rhythmic hearts beating in time to one another; Hermione started to stir and was suddenly woken up by the sound of birds chirping happily and she could only feel the warmth of arms wrapped around her but they felt so unfamiliar.

They were definitely not his hands, for his were less gentle and loving they were much more demanding and violent just like a curse in a storm that Hermione was forced to stand and fight in but Ginny was like a sun golden and so bright and she was the one to rescue her Ginny? Her best friend? Her sister? No she was not that she was something else, something much more precious she was something she could not place...yet.

Ginny's soft hair brushed against her arm, Hermione started to cuddle closer to Ginny's chest. She could hear her soft and steady breathing and her heart pounding quietly in the distance making a symphony, She closed eyes Hermione attempted to fall to sleep but Hinny had started to stir. Hermione was a little startled and layed completely still not daring to move just in case Ginny was to snap at her.

"Morning Hermione" Ginny said groggily

Ginny suddenly began to raise her hand and ran it through Hermione's hair as she had done before, Hermione cheeks became hot the way they had when Ron used to do that to her.Used to.

"Morning Ginny" Hermione said gently relived Ginny doesn't find it weird she is cuddled up to her chest. She knew she had to move but she didn't want to "Do I have to move?"

Ginny laughed slightly, the laugh reaching Hermione's ears and causing her to blush deeper than ever, she smiled at sound, it was so beautiful like an orchestra of angels.

"Maybe just a little bit..." Ginny flipped Hermione over so she layed flat on the bed with one quick movement causing her to yelp in surprise and Ginny moved over to her kneeling above Hermione's body, arms by her head softly running her hands through her hair and her face inches away from hers she looked up at Ginny's face and was driven towards her hazel eyes the same ones that stared back into her brown ones Hermione grasped as Ginny lowered her head towards hers and finally meeting her lips and crashing against them like waves crashing against the shore of the beach, but she couldn't help thinking about how different her kiss was to Ron's his were very much drunken and heavy but hers were much more passionate and romantic Hermione started to kiss back as passionately as Ginny was maybe a little more to see where it would go...

The kiss became more passionate and demanding Ginny slid her hand onto Hermione's thigh which made Hermione really hot and blush Ginny suddenly started to undress herself and started to unbutton the pajama top she was wearing she began to kiss her again but more hard and demanding Hermione started to gain confidence and bit Ginny's lip a little playfully which Ginny really liked they pulled Hermione grabbed Ginny's body and pulled it underneath her

"you sure your ready for this Hermione" Ginny paused

Hermione nodded she was sure she loved her in the same way she had once loved Ron...

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