Kou x elemental! reader

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hey. the only thing I'm adding beside you can control elements is you and Kou made a blood pack where he would never raise his voice in anger at you and you would never lie to him. But yeah, he broke his end causing you to go into a three week period where you are sick and what happens after. Hope you enjoy!

--Your POV--

I couldn't believe him. I thought, Kou was glaring at me. "Is something the matter Kou?" I asked him, he scoffed at me. "Like you don't know?" He demanded, I could tell he was angry. "What did I do wrong?" I asked, confused. "You kissed Latio, don't act like it isn't a problem!" Kou said, I could tell he was trying not to yell. "I didn't, he--" I tried saying, but he cut me off. "No, there's no excuse you could make!" Kou finally yelled at me. I just stood there shocked at him. "Kou. I'm telling you the--" You started again, but he cut you off again. "No, it's not the truth when I see it!" he yelled, now there was a crowd. "You know what, if you won't listen to me, then we're done!" you yelled, causing him to shut up. "And guess what, I never did lie to you. I couldn't, but you could lie to me and yell at me. Now you broke our promise!" I yelled at him then took off running. I ran into the empty part of the school, the 'haunted' part. I opened a class room and locked  the door. "Why? Why do I feel sick?" I asked myself, falling to the floor.

--three weeks later/ Kou's POV--

Y/n's still missing, and to be honest, I'm scared she's dead. I forgot that our blood bond couldn't allow her to lie to me because it was one of her kind's spells. I heard crying coming from a locked room. "That's strange, this room was never locked." I said, teleporting in. I saw Y/n no the floor, she looked sick. Really sick. "Once this is over, I'm killing Latio." I heard her said. I laughed, causing Y/n to look up. "Oh, your here." She said, siting up. "I'm guessing Ruki told you to find me?" She asked, I was shocked. Her playful voice was gone and her eyes held no emotion. "No, I just found you after three weeks." I said, shocked passed in her eyes. "Oh, no wonder my fever dropped." She said, getting up. "hey!" I said, helping her up, but got smacked across the face. "Don't touch me." She growled and stood on her own. "Aren't you weak from not eating?" I asked, she walked past me, but  stopped her. "What?" She demanded, her voice cold and her eyes blazing with hate. "I'm sorry." I said, she was confused. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. These past three weeks have been a nightmare without you. And you were right. I wasn't listening to you. I got caught up in my anger and didn't want to be wrong. I should of known better than to think you would cheat on me." I said, her eyes softened and she leaned in and kissed me. Causing lighting to spark everywhere around us. "I forgive you." She said, resting her forehead against mine.  "Can we make a new blood bond?" I asked, she laughed, the same laugh I knew. "Not now. I need a few days of regular eating before we do that." She said, I understood. "So, how are you still alive?" I asked, she smiled. "I control elements, remember?" She said, I smiled.

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