When They think about You

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Crazy thing now. Shu couldn't sleep. And this puzzled him too. He was waiting for you to come to the music room. Five minutes pasted and you didn't show. Did she forget? Shu asked himself. The door opened, revealing you panting alittle. "Sorry I'm late. I couldn't get Latio to leave me alone" You said, closing the door. "Whatever." Shu said. You walked over to the pinao, sitting down. You started playing a song you knew by heart. But you stopped playing when you felt something in your lap. You looked down, noticing Shu resting his head in your lap. "Keep playing." He commanded. "I-l can't with you head in my lap." You stammered. "Deal with it." He said, not even opening his eyes. You sighed, knowing that you couldn't argue with him. You started playing again.

--Time skip--

Shu was walking to a new resting place. "Thats strange." Ayato said, noticing Shu moving. "Is it because of that girl you always hangout with?" He asked, smirking. "Shut up." Shu snaped. Ayato laughed. But Ayato was right. He couldn't stop thinking about you.


Reiji was in his study, reading. Or trying to at least. Why? Why does my thoughts always lead back to Y/n. Reiji keep asking himself. "Are you trying to stare the book to death, or are you thinking about that girl you hangout with at school?" Latio asked outside Reiji's study, smirking. "Is there a reason your here Latio?" Reiji asked, now annoyed. "Not really." He answered, still smirking. " Then leave me alone." He growled. He laughed. "You must really care about that mortal girl." He said walking away. Reiji blushed alittle. It was true. He really cared about you now that he was spending time with you.


Ayato was in his room, reading a sports manizne. But his thoughts kept wandering to you. "Damnit! Get out of my head you stupid mortal!" He yelled to himself. Kanato was just outside Ayato doorway. "Teddy, why did Ayato curse at that nice girl. I wonder what she did to deserve that?" Kanato asked Teddy. "Shut up." Ayato hissed at his younger brother. "Teddy, I think Ayato likes her alittle." Kanato said, walking away. "Damn mortal." Ayato cursed under his breath, but knew that Kanato was right. He started liking you.


"Why can't I get you out of my thoughts Doll-chan?" Latio asked himself outloud, walking to his room. No matter who he flirted with or kissed, his thoughts always went back to you "Shut up. Your interpurting my sleep." Shu said. "Haven't you ever asked yourself a question outloud?' Latio asked Shu. "I sleep on it." Shu said, never opening his eyes once. Shu opened his eyes and smiled, "Are you talking about Y/n? I heard she's been rejecting you faster than you can talk." "Shut up." Latio said, his eyes and voice turning cold. "Whatever." Shu said, going back to sleep. Latio went on his way. "What is it about you Y/n that I can't stop thinking about you?" Latio mummbled to himself.


Kanato was in his room with Teddy having a tea party. "Teddy, why do I always think about Y/n? It's driving me crazy." Kanato said to Teddy. "Hm? Your alway's thinking about Whitenose?" He asked the stuff bear. "You like the way Whitnose looks at you? I guess you would think that. I do like how Y/n's e/c eyes are always filled with fear. Even when no one is around." Kanato sighed. The cake he was eating was sweet. But he wanted something sweeter. "She does smell sweet doesn't she. I would think that her blood is sweeter. Maybe sweeter than Yui's." Kanato said to himself. "I wish that I would stop thinking about her though." He mummbled to himself.


Subaru couldn't stop thinking about you. He even trassed his room five times trying to stop thinking about you. The way your eyes were filled with anger when you were around other people, but were calm and almost happy when you looked at stars. "Get out of my head!" He yelled at himself, throwing a chair against the wall. This was his sixth time trassing his room. He sat down with his head in his hands. "Why do you keep comming back into my thoughts? What is it about you that I can't stop thinking about you?" He asked himself.


Ruki was in his room reading one of his father's journal's. Or that's what it appeared to his brother's. What he was really doing was thinking about you. The way you would softly smile at other's. The way you moved from one place to another. The way your e/c eyes shown. He sighed. "What is it about you Y/n that I can't think of anything else?" Ruki asked himself. But couldn't think of an answer.


Kou was at dance pratice, but his thoughts were on you. "Lets just call it a night. You seem else where." His dance instructor said. "Okay." Kou replied, his thoughts were on you still. "Just remember that your performing in three weeks." His dance instructor said, leaving the dance room. Kou telported back home to his room. "Why can't I get you out of my head Y/n?" He asked himself.


Yuma was in his garden. But was thinking about you. He looked over at his flowers. They reminded him how you two first meet. But that wan't the only thing he was thinking about. He loved how you would look for a spilt second, then go back to drawing. Your hand going at a quick pace. And the way you snapped back. "What is it about you sow that I can't that my mind off you?" He asked himself, picking at the weeds.


Azusa was in his room cutting himself. "Justin... why do... I think... about Y/n?" He asked the scar on his arm. Not knowing that Ruki and Kou were outside his room. Listining to everything that he was saying about you. "If this girl he like's is as cute and great, then she'll most likey die if she's with him." Ruki said quietly to Kou. "I have a couple classes with her. She's very cute." Kou said to Ruki. He nodded. "I think I've seen her around school." Ruki nodded. "Justin... do you... think she... likes me?" Azusa asked the scar on his arm. "We should try to keep her away from him." Ruki said, Kou nodded in agreement. 


Calra was out painting (Sorry if he doesn't, but for now. Plz pretend he does) by a lakeside. You were also there painting, or drawing the landscape. He noticed how your hand motions were quick, yet at a pace that was hypnotic. You didn't to notice him, you were in your zone with drawing. She looks cute when she's foucsed on something. Calra thought to himself, as he started painting. Around dawn, he packed up, but you were still painting. As he packed, his thoughts keep going back to you and how you painted. He left and you started packing up. While walking home, the First Blood just couldn't stop thinking about you.


It was dusk. It was Saturday and Shin was out walking by a park. He noticed you playing with a little girl. "You can't catch me!" The little girl exclaimed happily as you chased her through the park. "Come here S/n!" You called after your sister, in a playful manner. Shin stopped walking and smiled softly at the two of you. Your sister stop running and looked at Shin with her eyes full of fear. "Sis, who's that man?" She asked you, now holding on to you after you caught up to her. You looked at Shin, who your sister was pointing at. "That's one of my classmates, Shin." You answered, smiling at Shin. Your sister looked to you and him a few times. "Can we go homw?" She asked. You looked at her confused. "Sure, we can." You said, taking her hand. "Can I have a piggy back ride?" Your sister asked. "Sure." You answered, crouching down so she could climb ontp your back. She squealed with happiness as you stood up. She's a nice sister. Shin thought to himself, watching you leave with your younger sister. He keep thinking about you as he walked home.

Sorry for miss spelling. If you have any request, I'll take them! 

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