Interview #2

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me and Os'c in Bold

Yui, Sakamaki's, Mukaim's, and Tsukinami's in italics

me: Welcome back, again, we'll be asking questions and we all may give answers.

Ayato: Oi Apples! You never answered the last question.

me: like I said, I'm fucking 14 years old!

Reiji: Nicole, please stop swearing.

me: Okay Reiji.

Snow: I would like to hear Nicole-Chan's answer.

me: *Gasp* Not you too Snow!

Latio: Okay Nicole-Chan, who would you date?

me: *sighs* If I had to, it would be either Shu, Latio or Azusa.

Kou: Are you crazy chossing Latio?

me: My last name has the word 'Sin' in it, also, talk to Kanato, then decide if  I'm crazy or not. But back to the questions. The first-- Where's Yui and Rin?

Kuro Bara: Rin is outside and Yui is also.

me: I'll go get them *runs out the door*

--time skip brought by Kuro Bara--

me: Okay, now that everyone is here, Yui, sorry for not asking you to come last time and the first question is 'If you could be any animal, what would you be?'

Shu: cat

Reiji: owl

Ayato: Loin

Latio: cat

Kanato: puppy

Ruki: No answer

Kou: cat

Yuma: dog

Azusa: bunny

Carla: This question shouldn't apply to me since I can turn into a wolf, eagle, snake and bat

Shin: I have no answer because I can already turn into a wolf

Rin: wolf

Kuro Bara: fenett fox

Yuka: Cat!

Snow: snow fox

me: White Siberian Tiger

Yui: can I be a mouse?

me: okay, I'm throwing this out there, but od anyone here have any question that everyone can answer.

Rin: I have one.

me: Okay Rin, what's your question

Rin: Since last time the females had to just answer, the males just have to answer.

Reiji: Sounds fair.

Ayato: No, Yui also has to answer since she wasn't here!

Kuro Bara: The sounds reasonable.

me: Okay, before we get off track, Rin, what is your question.

Rin: Since Glasses-Chan asked who we would date, they have to answer the same question.

Reiji: *sighs and pushes up glasses* I would appreciate if you would stop calling me Glasses-Chan. 

Rin: Nope, I think it suits you well.

me: okay, guys please answer the question before Rin and Reiji get into a bloody fight.

Shu: Nicole

Reiji: Kuro Bara

Ayato: Yui

Latio: Nicole or Reader-Chan

Kanato: Snow

Ruki: Kuro Bara

Kou: Yuka!





Diabolik Lovers One-shots and ScenariosDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora