🍥Chapter Twenty-Six🍥

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{A/N: Hello people hope you enjoyed the previous chapter. I know it's been 3 years and most of my original followers have left, but I'll try and finish this book to end my misery of not completing things -- if thatmakes sense. Anyways, tap your screen and click on the star at the bottom thanks :) }

Chapter 26. I'm not your friend.

"That's not how to do it" Marcy said, grabbing the bag of rice with my iPod in it. "You don't need the rice you just need the empty bag," she had that look of determination in her eyes. A look my father once said only belonged to the Roberts.

"No," I argued. "The rice will absorb the water from the iPod," I said grabbing the bag of rice from her. I went through a really difficult time getting this raw rice so if she's telling me the rice is not needed, to hell am I going to believe her.

It had been two days since Mrs. Walker said she'd call my sister and ever since that day it had been a struggle to gain access to this damn rice. The girls doing kitchen duties refused to give me rice because Lindsey and the two other nuts ordered them not to give me any type of food.


So I did what I had to do.

I had to give away a certain guys number so that I could get the rice. Don't judge, I was really desperate. My iPod is my source of life in school, the fact that I was able to survive without it these past weeks remains a mystery to me. I managed to get the guys number through Marcy's phone because somehow they're friends on Viber. I know it's cruel to give away John's number to a girl he doesn't know but then he did blackmail me into giving him a tour around the school and he did throw a water balloon flat across my chest during the fair.

He has done many things and yet he can't even give me a proper kiss.

Marcy grabbed the bag from me again. "You need to put it in an empty bag and suck out the air, this way the water in your iPod will be sucked out as well," She said.

"Ok," I said grabbing the bag back and clutching it to my chest . "We need to come to an agreement here," I said thinking of what to do. "How about I'll suck out the air from the bag while the rice is still inside and in that way we'll both have our ways,"

"Yeah do that," she said folding her arms, her eyes impatiently waiting to see what I'm going to do next.

I took the straw from the top of the drawer, opened just enough space from the corner of the zip lock bag, put the straw in and sucked.

I sucked and some rice particles somehow managed to get on through the straw and almost choke me to death. I coughed and I coughed, huge quantities of air and saliva draining away from my body from those coughs.

"Idiot," Marcy said laughing, "I was being sarcastic,"

I banged my chest to get the rice out while Marcy tapped my back.

"I knew that," I defended.

Nope, definitely did NOT know that.

"I'm just going to place this here," I said, taking the straw out of the bag, zipping it tightly and placing it on top of the drawer.

It was mid day and it was raining cats and dogs. This type of weather was the perfect weather to snuggle in and sleep. Unfortunately as fate would have it, I was not allowed to relax this week, or any other week. Test after test was being thrown at me and I did NOT study.

"Fine then, don't suck out the air of the bag, but if your ipod won't work because of your idea then don't say I didn't tell you so," Marcy said, she picked up her bag and headed towards the door stopping in the center of the room to check her wrist watch. "Oh shoot, I'm late for my test," she shouted running outside without even turning back to say goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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