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It was now about 2:30 p.m. and we haven't heard anything yet still. I'm about ready to have a break down. I lean my head back and just look at the ceiling. Sam was over by the window looking out of it. The door to the room opens and both our heads snap towards it. The doctor walks in and over to us.

"He's doing fine." He says and I sigh big.

Sam grabs my hand and kisses my head smiling at me.

"Can we see him?" I ask egerlly.

"Yeah. I'll have a nurse come in and take you down." He looks at us smiling before leaving.

"He's okay." I whisper as new tears fall.

"Hey hey hey. Shhh." Sam sat next to me and used his finger to brush my tears away.

A nurse walks in minutes later and sets me in a wheelchair before pushing me to where my son is, with Sam following behind. We walk- well they walk- into a room and go over to what kinda looks like a plastic bubble on legs. Inside is the cutest baby I have ever seen before. {BABY} He has a breathing tube in his nose and hooked up to a heart monitor. The nurse leaves us alone and I place my hand inside one of the wholes, placing one of my fingers in his hand. He grips it before slowly opening his eyes a little and I smile. Sam crouchs next to me.

"He knows his mother." Sam whispers.

I look over at him smiling and he smiles back. We just stair at one another for awhile and before we know it. We're kissing. We pull away when we hear a soft yawn and look at the baby laughing.

"I love you." Sam said and kissed my cheek.

"I love you too." I said smiling at him again.


"Okay well just be careful. He's small and fragil." I spoke for the 10th time as Sam walked into the house with Mason. Mason Samuel Uley. My little angel. Finally after 4 days of being in the hospital we got to go home.

"Kena. Calm down and sit down. You shouldn't even be walking around. Doctor said you could rip your stiches." Sam said as he sat Mason's car seat on the little in table infront of his couch.

I'm gonna be staying at Sam's again so he can help with Mason. I'm not 100% sure if we're back together or not. But at the moment we're both happy. Everythings good, we have Mason now, so why mess things up.

"I know I'm just-I'm......Shut up I'm a new mom and I'm still hormonal." I say sitting on the couch and fake pouting, making him laugh.

I lean forword and unstrap Mason before lifting him out and craddling him in my arms. He whines some and pouts his bottom lip out but doesn't open his eyes.

"Ohh I'm sorry." I said in a baby voice, gently bouncing him.

Sam went back out to his truck and got my few bags and the bags with the baby stuff I already bought. He came back in and just set the stuff by the door for now.

"Is the pack coming over today?" I asked not taking my eyes off of the sleeping cutie in my arms.

Sam walked over and sat next to me.

"No. They will tomorrow though. Wanted to let us get settled in and what not." He said and I just nodded.

Mason soon started crying.

"When's the last time he ate?" Sam asked.

I looked at my watch real quick.

"Bout two and a half hours ago. So he should be hungry. Take him for a minute?" I passed him over to Sam and then stood up.

I went over to his baby bag and took out a blanket and a burp towel before going back over to the couch. I sat down and then pulled my shirt off. I wasn't wearing a bra already so I took Mason back and then put the blanket over him and my chest.

"Woah." Sam breathed.

I looked at him and giggled.

"What? You've seen me clotheless before?" I questioned and he shrugged.

"True but lets be honest. Your boobs got bigger with the pregnancy." He stated and I just busted out laughing.

"Gee, glad you noticed." I joked and he just laughed shaking his head.

Gosh what this guy does to me.

My Monster (Sam Uley)Where stories live. Discover now