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I'm woken up by knocking at my door. I slowly get up and make my way to the door. I open it and my dad is there in his wheel chair. He gives me a sorry smile.

"I didn't mean to wake you." He says and I shake my head.

"It's fine. So what's up?" I ask and rub my eyes trying to wake myself up.

"I just wanted to see if you could make some food for the council meeting. But go back to sleep it's fine." He says and starts wheeling himself away.

"I'll do it. It's no problem. I don't want to sleep the day away." I glance at the clock. 7:45 p.m. "Well what's left of the day." We both laugh.

I go into the kitchen and open the fridge. I pull out hot dogs and burgers and get some pans out and start cooking. I feel my phone buzz in my bra and it makes me jump a little. I laugh at myself and pull it out. Keri's name flashes across my screen. I press the green button and put it inbetween my ear and shoulder as I keep cooking.

"Yesss?" I ask and I hear Keri laugh at me.

"What you doing girly?" She asks.

"Cookking food. What about-" I'm cut off by her overly excited voice.

"I got them!!!" She yells into the phone and I drop the phone to the floor. My ear ringing still.

I quickly pick up my phone and place it back to my ear.

"Got what?" I ask and take the phone from my ear just incase she screams again.

"College scholarships!!! 3 of them!!!" She yells again and I can't fight the smile that comes to my face.

"Omg Keri!!! That's amazing! Congrates!" I say into the phone and she laughs.

"Thanks. But I don't know which to pick. Well when you get yours we'll pick from the ones that we both got." She says and I sigh.

"If I get any." I say and now it's her turn to sigh.

"Don't think like that! If I got some then you will to. Your grades are better than mine." I smile a little.

"Thanks. We'll just have to wait and see. I gotta go. See you at work tomorrow." I say and flip the food.

"Bye babe!" She says still excited and I laugh at her.

"Bye my lover!" I giggle and we hang up.

I keep making the food. I'm really hoping these college letters come soon. I've been going crazy ever since we filled them out. I finish the food and load all of it on large plates. I grab two of them and almost drop them. Fuck these are heavy. I walk out the back door, atleast it's not raining anymore. I struggle to walk over to the picnic table in out back yard. Sam sees me and runs over taking the stuff out of my hands.

"Let me take these." He says and smiles at me.

I can't help but smile back and bit my bottom lip.

"Thanks. There's another one. Mine getting it for me?" I ask and he still smiles and nods.

We walk back into the house and he grabs the last tray of food while I get the drinks and we head back outside.

"You guys sure do eat alot." I say and giggle afterwards.

Sam stares at me and when I giggle his eye sort of light up.

"Yeah well. Two more people are going and they eat just as much. Paul Lahote and Jared Cameron." He says still smiling at me.

I can't help but mirror his smile.

"I've seen them before at school. Well if you guys need anything else let me know." I say and turn to walk away.

A warm hand grabs mine stopping me. I turn and look at Sam. He looks nervous for some reason.

"Yeah?" I ask. He lets go of my hand and scratches the back of his neck.

"I was wondering. Do you wanna, umm. Go out with me tomorrow?" He looks at me and I can feel the smile on my face.

"Yeah. Okay. I have to work till 5 though." I say and now he smiles and you can tell he relaxes.

"That's cool. I'll pick you up after work."

"It's a date." I say and we both just stand there smiling at one another.

"Yo Sam!!!" We both look over and see two guys. Jared and Paul walking out of the woods and over to us. I think they're both 19.

"I'll be in the house if you need me. Bye Sam." I smile at him and he smile back.

Paul and Jared clear their throats and I blush a deep red. "Bye Paul, Jared." I say still blushing.

"Bye Kena." They both say with a sly smile on their faces. I look at Sam real quick and he's glaring at the two of them. I turn and walk away.

I'm almost to the house when I hear what's sounds like a slap followed by two "Owws!"

"Perfect timing jack asses." Sam says.

I stop at the door and look back.

"You're welcome Sammy!" Jared says and him and Paul bust out laughing.

"Never call me that." Sam growls at them.

I laugh but cover my mouth. All three of them look at me and Sam smiles at me while Paul and Jared look at eachother smirking. I give a small wave and then go into the house. I can't wipe the smile off of my face. I have a date tomorrow. With Sam freaking Uley!!!

"Who have you been smoking?" A voice says and I jump.

I look and see Jake standing there with Quil and Embry. All looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Nothing." I say and try to go to my room but Jake stops me.

"Why were you talking to Paul, Jared and Sam?" Jake asks me and I roll my eyes.

"I wasn't......I was just talking to Sam." I say and Jake sighs.

"Well you shouldn't. They aren't good Kena. Stay away from him. Just stay away from all of them." He scowls me.

I bite my lower lip and move around them into the kitchen. Getting a drink of water. They follow me.

"That might be a little hard." I say.

"And why is that?" Jake glares.

"Ajfidbrifnverjitgle" I mumble that I know they don't know what I said.

"What was that Jake asked raising an eye brow.

"I said that I have a dpasdntigekbgver." I mumble the last part.

"Kena stop playing around and just say it." Jake says a little irritated.

I sigh. "I kinda sorta have a date. Tomorrow. After work. With Sam." I finally say.

All three of their eyes go wide.

"Ummm NO you don't!" Jake yells. I roll my eyes and put my hands on my hips.

"Last I checked I'm older than you! You don't tell me who I can and can not date. I'm going with him tomorrow and there is nothing you can say or do about it." I hiss and storm off to my room.

I don't see why everyone makes Sam and the others seem so bad. They don't even know them at all and yet they judge them like they do. I go over to my window and look out. The Elders are all here and sitting around a bonfire with Sam, Jared and Paul. My dad is talking about something. Sam notices me and smiles. I smile and wave back laughing. My dad notices Sam looking at he turns and sees me to. He has a knowing look on his face and smiles shaking his head before he starts talking again. I go over to my bed and sit down hugging a pillow to my chest still smiling like an idiot. I can't wait till 5 o'clock tomorrow.

My Monster (Sam Uley)Where stories live. Discover now