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Okay dad understood why there was a huge hole in the side of the house and now I'm staying with Sam at his place since,well.......There's a huge hole in the side where my room is. I was in the kitchen cooking lunch when all the guys came in. Sam picked me up from behind and spun me around making me laugh.

"Samuel! Put me down!" I giggled.

"Guys come on. Not before we eat." I rolled my eyes and slapped Paul in the back of the head after Sam set me down.

"Shut up. Just wait till you get an imprint." Sam said and I just laughed and went back to cooking.

Once I finished all the food I set everything on the table. It looks like I cooked for 15 people not 5 wolves and a human. As soon as the last thing was set they all dug in like this was going to be their last meal. It's a good thing I made my plate before I set everything out.

"You guys are so fat!" I point out to them but they all just look at me with food hanging out of their mouths.

All but Jake. He's just looking down at his food not eating. I walk over to him and hug him around his neck from behind.

"What's wrong lil bro?" I ask and ruffle his hair up making him groan.

"Nothing. Leave me alone." He grumbles and stands up, leaving his plate.

Paul, Jared, and Embry start eating it.

"Fat asses." I say. "Really wants wrong with him?"

"He's pissed cause he can't see Bella anymore." Paul states with a mouth full.

I look at Jake who is just stealing out the window.

"Jake it's for the best." I say softly and he glares at all of us.

"How is it for the best?!?!?!" He shouts throwing his arms up in the air for a more dramatic effect.

"Till you can get your temper under control you can't see her." Sam orders him.

"My temper is under control!!!" We all just look at him while he starts to shake.

Sam pulls me closer to him.

"Look at yourself. Already shaking like you're bout to phase and you nearly killed Kena when you first phased." Jared told Jacob making the shaking stop.

"I wouldn't hurt Bella." Jake says looking away.

"I know you wouldn't not on purpose. But sometimes things happen. You get angry enough and she's standing to close," Sam stops and kissed my shoulder where the scars start.

"Fine whatever. But you can't always punish us for your mistakes Sam." And with that Jake walks out.

The room falls silent.

"Guys. Give us a minute?" I ask the other 3.

They nod and take their plates outside with them and I roll my eyes. I look at Sam who is just staring up at the ceiling.

"He's just upset. Don't go mopping for the rest of the day." I say and in twine our fingers together.

"Maybe he's right." Sam finally says. "I'm keeping them away from others because of what I did to you."

I purse my lips together.

"First Jacob is my little brother. Meaning he is never right. Second, yeah so what you want to keep them away from others. It's just till they can get their anger issues under control. Right now yes Jake is pissed at you, maybe for awhile. But he'll soon realize you're right and just want to help him. You had no one when you first phased so it was harder to learn to keep calm. Jacob is just being a girl right now who wants to do everything his way. But I'm not going to lie, knowing him he'll find away around your Alfa orders." That gets Sam to laugh and nod.

"Probably, and then his ass will be running double patrol." We both laugh.

I kissed his cheek real quick. He places a hand on my face and strokes my cheeks. I sigh and lean a little into his hand. It was all peaceful until we heard howling outside.

"I gotta go babe." Sam lifts me off his lap and sets me in the chair.

He gives me a kiss before running out the house.

"Couldn't of fell in love with someone normal. NOOOO it had to be a wolf. Isn't this just every girls dream?!" I stood up and started cleaning up the mess the guys left.

"Now what the hell am I suppose todo?" See this is the only problem.

I'm always stuck in the house alone when the guys are out. I went upstairs and changed into some actual clothes instead of just sweats. {polyvore} I left a note on the counter saying I was going to go walk around. You know, just incase they got back before me. So I left the house and just started walking.

It took maybe 15-20 minutes to get into the main part of town. Good thing it's a simi nice day out. I just walked along all the little shops looking at stuff. I was gonna start heading back when I heard a little whimper. I looked around but didn't see anything or anyone making the noise so I kept walking. But then I heard a soft bark. I stopped and looked at the ground behind me. There stood the cutiest little puppy ever.

{ Too cute } / Alaskan Klee Kai(no snow & no collar)

"Awww. Come here sweet heart." I crouched down and the puppy slowly walked closer to me.

I started petting it's head and it licked my hand making me laugh.

"Now where in the world did you come from? Hmmm. You don't have a colar on. You have a family?" The dog just looked at me like 'wtf are you saying'

"Right. I spend to much talking to the pack phased." I mumble to myself.

"Well you need a home and I need a new friend. So I think we can help each other out. So come here little guy. You are a boy right?" I pick the dog up and check.

"Yep you're a boy. Now why the hell all animals I'm around are boys?" I face palm myself and the dog licks my face making me laugh.

"I shall call you Lautner. How's that?" He barks. "Taking that for a yes. Let's head home baby boy."

Won't the others be surprised. Haha

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