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I was at work right now and I found myself looking at the clock on the wall every 10 minutes. It's only 2:10 p.m. and I'm hoping it gets to be 5 quick. I was just watching the clock as it ticked and played with my necklace.

"What are you doing?!" I jump and look at Keri glaring and hold a hand over my heart.

"Will you stop doing that to me?! One of these days you're going to kill me!" I hiss at her.

It was a slow day so not alot of people were in the store right now.

"Well sorry. But all you've been doing is looking at the clock. Waiting for Prince Charming to come strolling in on a white horse?" She jokes and we both laugh.

"I wouldn't say he's your average prince." I say and Keri's eyes go wide and a smile comes to her face.

"Omg! You really have a date?!?! Stop the presses, this story is front page. Kena Black! Finally dating!" I glare while she acts like a reporter.

"Ha ha ha very funny! I've dated before!: I defend and she looks at me with a serious face.

"When?" She asks and crosses her arms over her chest.

"In high school!" I say making her snort a laugh.

"You only went out on like 3 dates. That doesn't count." She says.

"Well sorry I was more focused on my studies than guys. And you wonder why my grades are better." I laugh and she glares.

"Well who is this guy that has you all gaga today?" I bit my lip and can't fight the smile coming to my face.

Behind her out the large window I see Sam and the other two walking by. He feels my stare and looks at me. He smiles at me waving. I wave back. He winks before running off with Paul and Jared.

"No. Tell me it's not true." Keri says having a look of discust on her face.

"You're going on a date with Uley?!?!" She yells a little to loud. Making what little customers we have stare at us.

I 'Shhh' her.

"Yes I am. Today actually, he's picking me up after work." I tell her, refusing to look at her face.

She grips my wrist and pulls me tawords the back of the store away from the little customers here.

"Are you stupid?! What the hell would make you wanna date him? Since when do you even like him?" She glares at me.

"Since freshmen year." I say and her eyes go wide.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?! I thought we were friends Kena!" Her face looks hurts.

"How could I tell you?!?! Every time you see him, ever time you hear his name you talk about how much you hate him!!! I knew if I told you I liked him you would act like this! And if you were really my friend, then you would be happy for me instead of saying I'm stupid for wanting to date him!!! I've never said anything about the guys you've dated and trust me, I've wanted too." She looks at me shocked. "I got work todo." I mumble and walk away.

Leaving Keri there still stuned by what I just said. I go back up front to my register. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. I see Keri walk back up front too but she doesn't say anything to me. She doesn't even look at me. Right now, I couldn't careless though. Now I really can't wait for this work day to be over.


At 5 p.m. I clock out and put my vest away. Keri still hasn't said a word to me. I shake my head and walk out the store. Despite the bad mood I've pretty much been in all day. I can't help the smile that comes to my face when I see Sam leaning against his truck. I walk over to him and he hugs me close. I smile at the warmth, but I'm alittle confussed. This type of body heat doesn't seem natural, but I push it to the back of my mind for now. We soon pull away.

"How was work?" He asks kindly after we're in the car and he pulls off and starts driving off someplace.

"Work was work." I say simply and shrug.

Sam laughs and I look at him questionaly.

"What's so funny?" I ask but I can't stop the giggle that comes out of my mouth.

"Nothing. You just sound like some old person who's been working at the same job for 20 years." He still laughs and I playfully roll my eyes.

"It's a book store. What do you exspect?" He shrugs.

"So are you going to tell me what we're doing?" I ask after a few minutes of silence.

"You'll see." Is all Sam says, making me huff and pout like a little child.

After about 5 more minutes of driving Sam pulls to the side of the road, gets out and comes to my side opening my door.

"Come on." He says and helps me out of the truck.

"Are you going to kill me and hide my body in the forest?" I joke.

"What gave it away?" He fake gasps and we laugh.

He leads me a little into the forest and a fourwheeler soon comes into view. Sam gets on it and holds a hand out to me.

"You want me. To get on that?" I ask.

"This is the only way to get to where we're going." He states simply.

I sigh and get on behind him. Wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Only for you Uley. Only for you." I say and even without looking at his face I know he's smiling.

Sam starts driving up hill and I just watch the trees and everything pass by. It doesn't take long till all the trees soon become open and we're on top of a moutain. Sam cuts the engine and helps me off. I gape at the view. Amazed, it's so beautiful! You can see the whole town from up here.

"Like it?" Sam asks.

I shake my head no and look at him. He frowns.

"I love it! Like omg, how did you find this place?" I ask and a look a relief comes across his face.

"I'm in the forest alot. I just came across it one day." He says.

I smile at him and then look back out at the forest. I've never seen La Push like this before. It looks bigger than you think. Sam and I just sit up on top of the moutain talking, joking, laughing together. I don't see why people make him seem so bad. He's a sweet guy and that's what I like about him.

After going back into town we stop and get ice cream. People giving us strange loks. Probably just me since I'm with him and actually laughing. At 8:30 p.m. we pull up infront of my house. He walks me to the door.

"Thanks, I had a great time." I say and look up at Sam. He has to be like 6'4" and I'm only 5'3".

"I'm glad you did. So, does that mean a second date?" He asks hopeful.

I smile at him and bit my lower lip before nodding. "Yeah." I say smiling like a damned fool.

We just look at eachother for awhile before he places a hand on my cheek and leans in. I don't even know that I'm leaning in to till our lips meet. We both smile into the kiss. The kiss doesn't last long cause soon the porch light starts flickering on and off. I pull away glaring at the door, hoping the person behind it can feel my stare.

"Guess that's my que to go." Sam whispers.

"Guess so." I whisper.

Sam pecks my lips once more before runningback to his truck and driving off. My smile drops as I go into the house as I see my dad sitting in his chair watching t.v.

"Thanks dad." I say sarcasticaly making him smile.

"Welcome! So how did it go?" He asks.

"Fine." I say and smile.

"You really like him don't you?" Dad asks.

I nod.

"He's a good guy Kena. But be careful." He says before wheeling off.

I feel a look of confussion come over my face.. What the hell does that mean?

My Monster (Sam Uley)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن