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"Uley is looking at you again." My friend Keri sighed.

I looked back over my shoulder and sure enough Sam Uley was looking right at me. We just looked at each other for a few more seconds and I give him a small smile before he walked out of the book store Keri and I work in. I sighed and turn back around to see Keri glaring at me.

"What?" I ask her, confussed as to why she's glaring at me.

"You need todo something about this, it's creepy! Everytime he's around all he does is stare at you." She whispered/yelled.

I roll my eyes. "It's not like he's actually bothering me. So have you gotten any college acceptence letters yet?" I try to change the subject. That only makes her glare more.

"No I haven't but that's not the point. It's weird and you need to just stay away from him." Keri scowled me.

"Yeah, fine, whatever. I'll be unloading boxes." I walk away before she can say anything else to me.

I go over to the fiction section and start restalking the shelves while thinking of what Keri said. This started about two weeks ago. Sam had went M.I.A. for a week and when he finally came back he changed completely. He cut his hair short, got a tattoo, grew like a foot taller and grew bigger muscles. Some people said he had to be using steroids to grow like that so quick. We went to high school together but never talked to each other. Sam is two years older than me. I'm 18 which makes him 20. I'll admit I had a crush on him then and still kinda do now. But I couldn't tell anyone that, ecspecially Keri. Gawd! She would probably bitch slap me till we're old and crippled.

The rest of the work day goes by in a blurr. At 3:00 p.m. I clock out with Keri and we walk out into the cool La Push air. I wrap my arms around myself, wishing I would of worn something other than my sleeveless vest.
"Wanna go to 'The Grill' and get a bite to eat?" Keri asked me.

I sigh and shake my head no. "I should get home. You know, cook for my dad and Jake." Keri nods.

"Kk. Well, I'll talk to you later or just see you tomorrow." We hug and then go our seperate ways.

It's about a 2 mile walk home from where we work. Keri and got these jobs when we were just freshmen in school, so 4 years ago. Wanted to save up whatever we could for college since neither of us come from money. We just graduated a month ago and signed up for ever scholarship we could find. My thoughts were interrupted when I started feeling water on my head. I look up just as it starts pouring down raining.

"Just perfect!" I hiss and pick up my walking speed. Whishing I had my own car.

I hear a car pull up beside me but I don't look till someone talks to me.

"Need a ride?" The voice stops me in my tracks. I turn and see Sam stopped on the side of the road in his black Chevy truck.

"I'm fine." I say over the rain and start walking again.

"You sure about that? Really Kena, just get in and I'll take you home." I shifted from foot to foot and then gave up, getting in the truck.

He pulls away from the curb and starts heading in the direction of my house. "Thanks." I mumble quietly.

"No problem." He says. It's an awkward silence while he drives through the rain.

It doesn't take long till we pull up outside my house. He stops and parks.

"Thanks.....Again." I say an unbuckle my seat belt.

"Any time. Bye Kena." Sam says.

"Bye Sam." I whisper giving a smile and get out the car and jog up to the front door.

After I'm under the safety of the porch I turn around and give a small wave as Sam drives off. I sigh and open the door walking inside.

"Didn'y think you'd be home yet. What did you do, run home?" My dad asks making me laugh.

"Um, no. Sam brought me home." I say.

"Uley?" I nod and I see my dad fighting a smile.

I ignore it and go off to my room and change into some dry clothes. {polyvore} I go into the kitchen and start cooking food. I'm humming a song that's stuck in my head when I hear the front door open and close and then 3 booming voices soon come into the kitchen. I look behind me as Jake and his two best friends- Quil and Embry - come into the kitchen.

"Hey boys." I say smiling.

"Hey Kena. Soooo, watcha cooking?" Embry asks giving a sweet smile causing me to playfully roll my eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm making enough for you two idiots aswell." I say and all of them smile and go off into the livingroom.

After I finish cooking I gave my dad his food and then Jacob and his friends. I go into my bedroom and just lay on my bed, thinking. Some how my thoughts drift to Sam. Everything about him makes a smile come to my face. His looks, his voice, his smile. Just.....Him. I soon start to drift with a smile on my face. Only thought in my head................Sam Uley.

My Monster (Sam Uley)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt