Chapter Six: Breaking Her Soul

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Chapter Six: Breaking Her Soul

Jennifer's POV:

I close my book the second I hear the front door slam. I run to my bedroom door and lock it.

Shit, Mom just left to the store, I knew I should have gone, but he's never home this early!

I see the door nob rattle. I was only sitting in a T-shirt, so I scramble to find a pair of pajama pants.

"Jennifer, open this door! Jennifer, now!!" My dad screams through the door.

"Dad, hold on!"

Just as I find my pajama bottoms and slip them up one leg, my door busts open, a piece of metal from one of the latches flies and lands on the carpet right in front of my feet.

"Dad! You can't do that!" I scream at him, pulling the other leg up.

"Get of the fucking bed." He stumbles, catching himself on my dresser.

I immediately start shaking, but this time, I have the courage to scream, "No! Get the hell out of my room!"

"You bitch." He growls, stalking towards me. I try to dodge around him, but my room is too small and he's too strong.

"No! Get off of me! You can't do this!" I begin sobbing, "Dad please!"

He throws me on the bed.

"Jennifer! Jennifer wake up!"

"No! Get off of me! Don't fucking touch me Dad! I hate you! Get off of me!" I immediately start kicking and screaming at the figure on top of me.

"Jennifer calm down!" my hands are pinned above my head and someone sits on my waist, "It's me, Michael!" 

The light flicks on and when I see Michael's worried face, it's like I suddenly become conscious.

"Michael?" I ask, confused as I feel tears running down my face.

"You were dreaming. Are you okay now?" He releases my hands and sits beside me.

I sit up and wipe the tears off of my face. That was the night he gave me this scar, something to always remember him. Even in my dreams.

"How often does that happen?" He asks me, a hand on my thigh.

I shake my head, "Every other week."

"I should have him killed." He snaps.

"I would agree if it were not for my mom." I reply dryly. He doesn't say anything else.

"We both need a shower, then we need to talk about Carly. Come on." He stands.


I sit outside the McDonald's at one of the red and yellow tables, watching a couple of the kids play, both filled with big smiles and laughter that I missed having from when I was little. It took us about two hours to get here, so I know Michael lied about Bogalusa. He kept me blindfolded and cuffed in the backseat the whole drive here so I won't know where I'm actually staying as far as a city name.

He put a damn wire on me and took my phone.

I see Carly's red car pull up, and we run towards each other, hugging on impact.

"Oh my God, I was so worried." Carly says as she hugs me tightly.

"I know, I'm sorry." I let go of her and we walk back to the table, sitting down.

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