Chapter One: Addiction Kills

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Show Me What Home Is

Started 04/09/19

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Self-harm, addiction, suicide, rape, domestic violence. If any of these effect you severely, please continue at your OWN risk.

Chapter One: Addiction Kills

Jennifer Kane's POV:

I pull my Black Clover T-shirt over my head and pull my ripped jeans up. I love dressing up, but I'm just at home, so there's no one to impress right now. The shirt had come from my boyfriend, but we're not on speaking terms. It's my fault... but... at the same time it's not. I just can't face him right now, it hurts too much. What makes it worse.. he's all I have.

I let out a deep sigh and take a moment to sit on my squeaky bed. I cringe when I hear what sounds like glass bust in the kitchen. Jesus help me, I don't even want to know.

This may be where I live but it's far, far from home.

I summon all of my mental strength to stand and head to the kitchen.

Our home was run down and old, but it's clean. It's mostly me that keeps it that way. I may have the money, but I'm not renovating shit. I'm saving to get the hell out of here.

I walk through the doorway just in time to see my mom pop a few blue pills into her mouth, chasing it with a soda. I look to the right and see a busted glass vodka bottle, shattered into hundreds of un-repairable pieces and spilled to the point it's not drinkable anymore.

Oh, God... when he comes home and see's this.. I gotta get out of here tonight.

"Mom?" I ask cautiously.

She spins around with a fake Barbie smile on her face, "Yes, love?"

"What happened?" I ask, beginning to pick up the glass.

"Leave it there!" She raises her voice with haste. I immediately drop the shards of glass.

"He'll get mad, Mom.. please don't. That was the last bottle, he's gonna get so angry."

I grab the dish towel and wipe the stench of alcohol from my hands, even though the remnants will still be there.

My teeth clench.

"You're asking for trouble."

"It was an accident, I was cleaning out the cabinets and it fell. I want to show him it was an accident and I didn't just pour it out, Jen." She says with hopeless eyes. She got a busted lip the first time she ever tried to pour out dad's liquor. She never did it again.

"We shouldn't have to fucking be scared all of the time."

"Let me handle my marriage, Jennifer. I'm trying to keep this family together..." She scolds me.

"What fucking marriage?! What family?! You just tune it out with those damn Valium you think I don't see! I'm not stupid!" I yell and and storm off, knowing she has no nerve to tell me I'm wrong. I've found the bottles before, and it wasn't her name on the label.

I grab my backpack and dump the school supplies out, packing it with things I'll need for a few nights. I pick up my phone and call my best friend, Carly.


"Hey, can I crash there tonight? Same shit."

"Jen I'm out of town with my dad... just use the spare key in the flower pot. Be careful sis, love you."

"Thanks, love you too." The beep sounds when she hangs up.

I grab my backpack and leave the house, shame in her eyes, my mom doesn't give me a single glance. Not surprising, she doesn't face anything.

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