Communication Is Key (Freed X Reader) (Gender Neutral Pronouns)

Start from the beginning

"You're finally going to make them talk about it?" Erza asked from where she sat, to which the white-haired girl nodded

"This has gone on too long," Mira spoke, glancing towards the door.

Freed glanced around the storage room, quickly noticing that he wasn't alone.

"Freed?" Y/n asked, startling the rune mage.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?"

"I offered to help clean up the storage rooms for Mira, What are you doing here?"

The tension in the room was thick and it made Y/n anxious.

"Mira asked me to get some glasses," Freed replied, grabbing what he needed before saying "I'll see you later,"

The rune mage headed back towards the door, holding the glasses in one hand and turning the door handle, a frown forming on his face when the door didn't budge.

He tried again with more force, the door still not opening and so, he called to Y/n.

"Y/n? Does this door get stuck a lot?"

The H/c mage approached and put a hand against Freed's shoulder to move him out the way. Upon trying to open the door, Y/n too found that it wouldn't move. The H/c mage knocked on the door, trying to get Mira's attention however, no noise was heard on the other side of the door.

"Mira? The door's jammed!" The H/c girl called, hoping for an answer that never came.

"Something tells me she's left," Freed sighed.

"Why would she?" Y/n asked, turning to the rune mage.

"Don't play dumb with me Y/n. We've hardly spoken in weeks..."

The H/c mage gave their own sigh and sat down on an overturned beer barrel.

"And who's fault is that?" She snapped slightly, regretting it immediately after "Sorry...I just...I've missed you,"

Freed sat down opposite Y/n.

"I know, I...How did your date go? I never asked," He spoke, confusion filling his face as Y/n's head snapped up to look at him.

"Date? What date?" 

The tension in the air built up again and Freed explained

"Mira said you were planning to ask someone in the guild out on a date. Is that not true?"

Y/n looked bewildered and shook their head.

"Mira also said you liked someone in the guild, I'm guessing that's not true either?" Y/n asked and Freed looked away slightly.

"I mean...Partly," The rune mage responded "Not in the way Mira will have meant anyway," 

Y/n gave a pointed look that urged the rune mage to continue

"Mira's been trying to make us jealous it seems. She's done it to others before and told me but I didn't realise that's what she was doing.  Which must mean she thinks you feel the same as me," Freed took a deep breath "Y/n I like you. Mira said you were planning to ask someone in the guild out on a date and so jealous I ignored you," 

Y/n stared in disbelief

"So the person in the guild that you"

The rune mage nodded and Y/n moved to sit closer to him, shuffling forwards until their knees practically touched.

The H/c mage took Freed's hands in their own, gaining his attention and quietly explained

"I....I've liked you for a while....I wasn't planning to ask anyone on a date but I mean....If I was...Would you like to?" 

The rune mage lifted Y/n's chin so that the H/c mage was looking at him.

"Of course," Freed replied and glanced at the door again "Mira's probably listening to this, she'll let us out soon enough but for now," Freed tilted Y/n's head more to connect their lips together in a soft kiss, his hands coming to rest around Y/n's neck.

The kiss grew deeper and Freed experimentally ran his tongues across Y/n's lips, however, the door flew open at that moment, revealing Mira stood in the doorway with an innocent looking smile plastered upon her face. The two pulled apart quickly, looking towards Mira both looking frustrated

"You two have finished making up I see. And making out. It's about time," The takeover mage joked and the two mages stood up to exit the room, hands intertwined between them.

"For future reference, there are better ways to set people up, Mira," Y/n spoke, to which Mira shrugged.

"I'll admit, my technique was a bit off, I'll try a different approach next time,"

Both mages shook their heads, silently praying for whatever poor couple would be next to be set up by Mira.

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