Chapter 2

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"Ryan!" Kylee yells.


"Ryan!! Ryan!!! Open the door now!!" She's becoming a pain in the neck.

A few minutes ago she was breaking most things in my kitchen. I would've called the cops, but I wasn't feeling threatened. As long as she wasn't throwing the stuff (that she bought) at me I was perfectly fine.

But I did send a text to my friend Cole. Cole is the sheriff and also my college roommate from three years ago.

He knows about Kylee and has arrested her once apparently. Her last boyfriend turned her in for threatening to burn his car. Not really surprising, since she seems to have a thing for destroying cars.

Did I think clearly about that when I started dating her? Obviously not. That's why I ended up in this situation. Did I realize her medication is the only thing holding her back from committing homicide? About a few days ago, yes.

Cole would ask me these questions every time I'd try to break off our relationship. I guess he's a good friend for staying with me, an idiot.

Me: hey Cole. Kylee is on a rampage and is braking things in my kitchen... I'm in my bedroom right now and she's banging on the door. I would appreciate some assistance:)

Cole: I'll be over in 5. Stay in your room and if she gets through don't be afraid to knock some sense into her lol XD

"Ryan!!!! I'm not joking!! I'm not done with you!! Do you hear me??" Kylee remains at my door banging and kicking and screaming. I lay down on my bed and pull a pillow over my ears. Her voice gets muffled but I am still able to hear her.


Two minutes go by and I hear a car pull up outside.

Slowly rising from my bed I hop my way to the door.

"Hey Kylee?" I say interrupting her screaming. There was a pause on the other side as if she had forgotten I was actually in the room.

"WHAT!?" She yells back.

"Um... just a little heads up. Im expecting company in about 10 seconds, would you do me a favor and go open the door for them?" I ask. There was silence on the other side of the door.

"Uh, sure I guess. Who is it?" She asks a lot quieter.

"Oh, just a friend."

I hear her walk away towards the entry way.

So gullible....

I unlock my door and peak my head through. Kylee is walking away from me and in her hand is a vase...

I notice it's the vase from my kitchen window sill and I see the flowers thrown about everywhere. I hop back in my room to grab my crutches.

I hear the door open and a muffled voice.

"Kylee Saige, you are under arrest for destruction of property and threatening another person in the process."

It's Cole. I make my way into the hallway and see Kylee crying while getting handcuffed.

"Ry, tell them it's a misunderstanding. Tell them it wasn't me. Tell them you love me. Tell them it's not my fault. Tell them it was you. Ryan! Ryan!" Kylee yells at me as I walk into the kitchen with Cole following me totally ignoring her.

Another policeman is gently leading her through the door after Cole gives him a nod.

I sit down and rest my crutches on the island. My hands make their way to my temple, massaging a headache away.

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