His head being buried in her shirt, caused his voice to muffle, "Sorry."

He pulled back, allowing Olivia to properly see her best friend and give him another hug. "It's okay," she chuckled. "A warning would've been nice, though."

"You know, technically he did shout your name," Dylan spoke up, looking at her with a teasing glint in his eyes.

"My broski makes a good point," Tyler agreed, enacting their signature handshake as Liv rolled her eyes. "How was South Carolina?"

The pair exchanged a look, Dylan's smile widening while a faint blush appeared on Olivia's cheeks. "Eventful," she decided on a word to describe the past events, leading Tyler to raise his eyebrows.

"Is that so?"

Dylan responded with a look of warning. Even though he loved his best friend, he didn't want anything with Olivia to be accidentally ruined. The weekend went by just like he planned; he finally confessed how he felt to the girl of his dreams. However, he hadn't managed to properly ask her out just yet. He was hoping to do it later after they wrapped on set for the day. He didn't want Tyler's teasing to make her change her mind.

"Not that it's any of your business," Olivia was saying to Tyler, "but yeah, we had fun. Though Jack and the rest of my family were bummed you weren't there, Ty."

Tyler smirked at this. "I figured," he joked. "Jack must be mad that we didn't do the chicken dance."

"You have no idea," Olivia snorted, crossing her arms. "He went on a rant about it after Dylan and I came inside from the garden."

"The garden?" Tyler's ears perked and he looked between his friends with interest. "Why were you guys in a garden?"

Recognizing Olivia's hesitation to reply, glancing at him for help, Dylan answered, "We'll tell you later."

"Why can't I know now?"

"Because," Dylan replied vaguely, gritting his teeth through a fake smile.

"Well, if you don't have a solid reason then I don't see why I can't know," Tyler sassed, copying his stance.

"You know, Holland really wanted to see us," Dylan changed the subject, resting his hand on curve of Olivia's back to gently urge her to start walking. "So, we better go."

"Oh come on guys!" Tyler complained. "I'm your best friend, so I deserve to know the tea!"

Dylan's eyebrow quirked up. "Did you just say tea?"

"Yes, yes I did."

"We kissed!"

Both boys turned their heads towards the small dirty-blonde in surprise. She stood there, not even looking at the two as she continued. "Alright? Dylan and I kissed. But we didn't want to tell you because you and everyone else would start pushing us, when we really need to figure it out on our own. And Tyler, you know we love you, you're our best friend, but you suck at secrets and until Dyl and I talk, we don't really want it out in the open—"

"Honey, breathe," Dylan interrupted, gently grabbing onto her elbow once he noticed her face starting to redden.

She glanced up at him, letting out a deep breath as instructed. "Thanks," she sent him a grateful smile to which he returned.

LIVIE || DYLAN O'BRIENWhere stories live. Discover now