"Why are you so interested in Luna Bounds?" he asked, quirking up an eyebrow. His eyes wouldn't leave the book, though. I understood why, it's always interesting to gain information on what no one ever likes to talk about. The second our Alpha even hears the word Luna, he starts going crazy. Not only my alpha, but every alpha-every pack.

I answered him with a shrug. "I like information, Atlas."

"Touché," he whispered back. Atlas reminds me a lot of me when I was his age. He's the only person I actually like talking to. Sometimes, I really question why I'm friends with a ten-year-old, but then I remember that he's a strange kid. He seems more like an adult than most adults.

"I wonder what it would be like to meet a Luna Bound," Atlas spoke, finally taking his eyes off of my book.

"You shouldn't even bother wondering. It won't happen," I smiled sadly at him. The sad truth was that, and the more we fill ourselves with hope of one day finding our luna-the more heartbroken we end up. We can feel our alpha losing hope, it's coursing through all of us. The pack has gotten so gloomy and dark. No one even smiles anymore.

"I don't get it. What's so powerful about a luna to the point that they have to kill them before they even get a chance to live, Ena?" He asked. His eyes widened in curiosity and wonder. It pained me to see that small bit of sadness laced in his eyes. A sadness that wasn't his, it was a reflection of the pack.

"Look around you, Atlas. You're asking me what power does a Luna bring when you can see how powerless everyone is when we're without. Not only that, but look at page 347 paragraph 2," I spoke. He looked down at the book before flipping to the assigned page.

Once he was there, his eyes began skimming over the text. "The queen of werewolves brought a power that made all too scared to even compete against. With just a glance, she could transport water from her body to any directed target. For those who brought a threat to her pack, they were drowned from the eyes of the queen," he read aloud. Then, his eyes came back to mine as I held a smirk on my face.

"Luna sounds pretty bada*s, huh?" I ask him. His eyes widen as a smile makes its way on his face. He nodded proudly before he continued reading the book.

"Does every Luna have power, or is it just the queen?" Atlas asked. I folded my arms over my chest and began rubbing them to rid myself of the goosebumps. It was always cold in this library probably because it was the deepest place in the entire pack house.

"I'm not sure. If you think about it, there has to be something about every Luna, otherwise why are the boundhunters killing them off like a genocide. Maybe every Luna has a unique power. And by power, I don't just mean superpowers. What I mean is the power of truth, or- or loyalty. Atlas, I believe Luna Bounds are the key to humanity. We're wolves, only half sane. Without a luna, we become less and less human. That's the power. They want us to be more and more wolf," I try to explain. His eyebrows knit together as he nod his head in understanding.

"Why, though? Our creator, our moongoddess  specifically made us to be only half wolf. It wasn't an accident for us to have at least have some humanity," he spoke. As he spoke, the only thing that I could gather in my head was how wise he was. He pushed his glasses up farther on his nose again as he waited enthusiastically for my answer.

"That's the thing, Atlas. This isn't the way things are supposed to be. I remember when my mother used to tell me stories of when she had first met her Luna. It's magical and with a Luna, it feels like the pack is finally complete. We're supposed to experience that, but we probably never will," I said sadly. I watched as the enthusiasm Atlas had worn on his face suddenly dropped. He looked at the book in his hands before handing it back over to me.

Luna Bound | slow updatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora