The Silent Type

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She also wore a white belt above her hips and a bow hanging from her neck. Green shoe came two thirds of the way up her lower legs, and she wore dark red shoes over it.

Of course, there was a giant black bow on her head too, which was rather hard to miss.

She softly smiled at me, but her eyes were glazed with sadness and even a person detached from emotions could read her feelings. Yet the smile was genuine.

The other person, who was also a girl, had messy, unkept brown hair which reached below her shoulders.

She raised her hand near her head, pulling up a peace sign and widely smiling at me.

She wore a white polo shirt that had a few buttons unattached to accomidate her boobs. She had tanned skin and defined muscles, yet still keeping thin and agile.

She wore a red shirt that was way to short for her, as well as white running shoes.

I stayed neutral to their greetings. My 'neutral' face is emotionless, and I know it sometimes creeps others out but it's more natural for me to default to that face while performing everyday tasks, even if I'm in the happiest mood. That's not often though.

The brown haired one didn't even falter, only giving me a bigger smile. The blond raised her hand to her cheek, gently brushing her face.

"Greetings. I am Sonia Nevermind. I believe we haven't met before?" She introduced herself, putting her hands in front of her.

"Yeah, I don't think I've seen you before. My names Akane Owari! I'm the ultimate Gymnist!" She put one hand one her hips and smiled a toothy grin at me.

"You two are ultimates?" That's the first time I've heard someone mention ultimates. I didn't know if the other two guys I met had one.

Did I even have one?

"Oh, yes!" Sonia's eyes lit up. I am the ultimate princess. I serve the kingdom of Novoselic."

I stayed quiet. Didn't want them to get suspicious.

"Do you have an ultimate?" I turned my attention on Akane, the girl who asked. Did I actually have an ultimate, since Tsumugi said that we were all fake?

I sighed inwardly. We choose to stick with 'believing in fiction'.

"Im the ultimate child caregiver." I lied. I remember they all suspected me last time, wanting to kill me first.

"Hey, I love kids. I actually have a few brothers. So, how's working with them?" Akane asked.

"Annoying." I bluntly responded.

Yeah, surefire way of making you suspicious, good job Maki.

I needed to get back on track, these two were distracting me.

"Do you know why we're here?" I asked. My expression was still neutral but I was looking for any defect or sign of lying.

"Ah..." Akane scratched the back of her neck and averted my eyes. Sonia looked down, clasping her hand together.

"Tell me." I asked bluntly. Sonia began to speak.

"Well... We both aren't sure where we are, but we have a guess what we've doing here." Sonias voice was heavy.

I waited for the response.

"... Me and Sonia are both sure that whoever put us here wanted a sick joke or something." Akane's words were laced with venom, not towards me, but towards whoever put us here. "But, we've pretty sure it's another killing game."

"How do you know?" I asked.

"We found on note on the beach towels where we woke up, telling us to quickly depart to the auditorium, followed by a small drawing of... a Monokuma." Sonia dropped her head.

Akane agreed with her. "While we were forced to kill each, we were on an island very similar to this one too."

"You two were in a killing game?" I asked. This is new.

They nodded, but not giving any details.

"So you know anything else?" I asked. The two shook their heads. I began to walk away.

"Wait! You can stick with us and find out what's going on if you want." Sonia yelled after me.

"No, but thank you." I walked further up the beach, away from the two.

I know I shouldn't isolate myself. Wasn't that what Kaito was trying to get me to stop last game?


I don't want to get attached to anyone in this killing game. Not again.

And they both have the same blind confidence as Kaito. As well as the kindness of him.

I shook my head, trying to re-evaluate my facts.

So we were in a killing game.

That's... I really don't want to do this again.


And now I have Shuichi to look after as my.... friend

The word still feels foreign, even thinking about it.

It shouldn't, considering how much the stupidly naive Kaito called me it.

His friend.


I still miss him.

Nevertheless, my goal stays the same.

Escape this killing game.

(DR1, DR2 And DRV3 Spoilers) It's Still Kill Or Be Killed Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora